The Outsider (5/5)

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Third Person's P.O.V.:
Y/N goes unconscious and King T'Challa calls the Jabari tribe to help contain her. They put her in a Vibranium fiber glass room with a single bed in it. She still lays unconscious on his bed with handcuffs and ankle cuffs that Shuri created to match the frequencies of which her powers move to, leaving her powerless.

"Who is this woman?" M'Baku asks as King T'Challa stands next to him.

M'Baku hums as his eyes trail down Y/N's body and King T'Challa nudged his arm.

"What, I can't deny the fact that she's attractive. Where is she from? I might have to travel there." M'Baku says.

" Kom saam, broer. Vir alles wat ons weet, kan sy die vyand wees." King T'Challa says.
(Get yourself together, brother. For all we know, she could be the enemy)

"Is it bad that makes her even more attractive?" M'Baku asks.

"M'Baku," King T'Challa warns.

"Alright, alright. I'll stop." M'Baku retreats.

Y/N finally wakes up and she immediately groans as cracks the bones in her neck and back. She swings her legs over the edge of the bed and stands up from the bed. She tries to take a step and falls to the ground.

"What the-- what are these? Where am I?" She asks.

"I could ask you the same question." T'Challa says.

Y/N sighs in annoyance as she struggles to stand.

"Are the ankle cuffs really necessary?" She asks.

"The last I saw you, you levitated off of the ground. So yes it is necessary." T'Challa states.

"Who are you?" M'Baku asks.

She scoots herself so her back rests against the side of the bed.

"My name is Y/N from the planet Vanadia, the only survivor of the Vanadian people; thanks to Thanos." She says.

"And what is your name, handsome?" She adds.

"M'Baku, leader of the Jabari." He says as he folds his arms.

M'Baku and Y/N exchange a look of mischief and T'Challa notices.

"Who is this Thanos?" T'Challa asks.

"Look, you seem like a nice guy and all, but the more time I take to explain to you, the less time I have to prepare for when he comes." She says.

"So, I'm going to burst out of these cuffs, get out of this cage and--" she trails off once she realizes that she can't break the cuffs.

The frequency of the cuffs increases the more she tries to break out of them. She kicks her legs and yells in frustration.

"What even are these? And how can they contain me?" She asks.

"They're made from Vibranium, liefling. They aren't just made from any metal." M'Baku states.

"Vibranium? I've never even heard of that; and I've never found something strong enough to contain me.... until now. And I want it off, take these off." She commands.

"I'm afraid, we can't do that. Not until you tell me who Thanos is, what he wants, why he is coming here and how you have the power of ten stars inside of you." T'Challa says.

"And I will not talk until you let me out of these cuffs." She contradicts.

She holds T'Challa's intimidating gaze and M'Baku says:

"She's a stubborn one,"

"I survived because I'm stubborn.  Now are you going to get me out of these cuffs or what?" She asks.

When neither of them moved, Y/N grumbles in frustration and states down at the ground in thought. She abruptly looks at the structure of the handcuffs.  She looks at the metal of the bed.

She pulls off the blankets and the pillows off of the bed before setting it upward and leaning it against the Vibranium fiber glass. She walks to the other side of the room and T'Challa and M'Baku watch with amusement.

"Eh, what are you doing?" T'Challa asks.

Y/N wobbles halfway before launching herself off of the ground and twisting through the air, slamming the ankle cuffs against the metal of the bed. Her lips curve into a smirk when she hears the breaking and the electricity of the cuff. The broken cuff falls to the ground and she moves around her stiff ankles.

"Wow," M'Baku says to himself.

"Now do you want me to break these handcuffs too, or are you going to be a decent human being and take them off of me." She asks.

T'Challa sighs in frustration before saying into his beads:

"Shuri, open the room 28 and turn off the handcuffs."

"Are you sure, brother? I haven't found the reason why she is so powerful yet. If you let her free and things get out of hand, you may not be able to stop her." Shuri says.

"Turn off the cuffs, Shuri."

Once the cuffs were off and the walls came down, Y/N stands up and walks up to them. She cracks her fingers and arms before she says:

"Now, isn't that much better?"

A/N: The final part of this includes more of M'Baku; and that will be located in my Black Panther Imagines. You guys are more than welcome to take a look.

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