My Journey (5/6) [An X-Men Imagine]

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Piotr opens the door of the dome for me and I walk into the dome. He closes the door of the dome behind him as he walks after me.

"Glad you guys could make it," Storm says with a teasing smile.

Logan, Scott, Jean, Bobby and Rogue all share the same smile. Which only means one thing, Jean told her and the others about what she saw between Piotr and I. I press my lips together as my cheek reddens with embarrassment.

I walk over to Professor X and greet him with a hello.

"Hello Y/N, how are the students treating you?" He asks.

"Good, sir." I say.

"From the sounds of it, it seems more than good." He teases.

"Oh for Christ's sake Jean, did you tell everyone in the whole school that Piotr and I kissed. I'm mean really?" I snap.

Everyone looks at me in awe at my sudden feistiness.

"Whoah," Rogue says.

"Never knew you had it in you, kid." Logan says to me.

"Vocês estão todos agindo como não é normal para dois adolescentes que são atraídos um pelo outro, para se beijarem. Já faz muito tempo desde que você era adolescente, para esquecer como é ser um? Você realmente não tem nada melhor do que-" I snap at them.
(You all are acting like it's not normal for two teenagers that are attracted to each other, to kiss each other. Has it really been that long since you were teenagers, to forget what's it's like to be one? You just really have nothing better to do than-)

"Okay, Y/N, I think they get the point." Professor says.

"Well what did she say?" Jean asks.

"You don't want to know," Professor says at the same time I said: "Read my mind to find out,"

"Okay, I think that's enough feisty Y/N for the day." Bobby mediates.

"I only use her when I feel it's necessary; just like when I use my powers." I say.

"Do I need to use both?" I add, motioning to Jean.

She doesn't respond. Instead, she merely looks at me. I maintain eye contact, creating tension that filled the entire dome.

"We should start our training now," Piotr says.

"He's right... let bygones be bygones." Storm says, looking between Jean and I.

"Alright, let's get started." Professor says, rolling his wheel chair towards the exit.

"I'll sit this one out, Professor." Jean says, glancing at me before leaving the dome.

"Jean...Jean!" Scott calls after her.

Scott looks to Professor and Professor nods. With that, Scott walks out of the dome as well. Piotr approaches me and I say:

"I'm sorry you had to hear that."

"What did you say?" He asks.

"It's not important," I say, looking down on the ground.

"Hey," He says, holding me back.

"Are you okay?" He adds.

"Yeah I'm fine... I just have a pet peeve for rumors and gossip." I explain.

I look up at him to see him smiling at me.

"What?" I say, smiling too.

"Nothing it's just.." He says, trailing off.

"Piotr, what? Why are you smiling?" I ask.

"What Piotr wants to say but won't because he is such the gentleman is that what you did: staring down Jean? It was super hot." Bobby explain whilst clapping a hand on Piotr's shoulder.

"Bobby!" Rogue says.

"What? It's true. Ain't that right, Piotr?" Bobby says.

Piotr opens his mouth, only to close it again.

"It's okay.. you don't have to answer if you don't want to," I say to him.

We spend a couple seconds looking at each other and we hear someone say:

"Think fast, lovebirds!"

I hold out my hand and create a shield, which caught a round of bullets. Once I retract my shield, the bullets fall to the ground. Piotr turns his body into steel and goes off to take down some soldiers.

I look around to see that one moment, there was an empty dome. And the next, there is a virtual war zone with multiple soldiers holding their guns. Everything sound, feels and smells so real.

"Whoah," I say.

"Okay Y/N, since this is the first time you've been in the dome, I'll explain some things. Though this is a virtual reality, the impacts you take will feel real and it will leave a mark. Now, the impacts aren't fatal, but they are to prepare you for a real life situation. This reality will stop once you defeat the main attacker. Do you have any questions?" Professor says over the intercom.

I shake my head and he says:

"Very well then... let's begin,"


I sigh as I collapse onto my bed with exhaustion.

"Long day, huh?" My roommate says.

I groan in response.

I used up all of my energy in the virtual stimulation. Logan and I took down this huge creature that was about the size of the Empire State Building. He cuts off his head with his claws while I knocked it off its feet with my sonic clap I made, harnessing the energy from the cosmos.

Then afterward, I got fitted for an X-Man costume. After that, I had to go back to my classes.

By the time I had some free time to myself, it was already sunset. I yawn as I slide in between my covers. I was just about to reach for the light when I hear a knock on our door. I look up to see Piotr standing in my doorway.

We both look to my roommate and she says:

"I'll guess I will be sleeping on the couch tonight."

She grabs her pillow and blanket and walks out of the door. Piotr walks in wearing blue basketball shorts and a black tank top that accentuates his muscles perfectly.

"Hey," He says as he sits down next to me.

"Hi," I say.

"They didn't leave you with much energy left, did they?" He asks.

I shake my head no as I hold back a yawn. He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and lingers his touch on my cheek. I lean into his touch and sigh.

"You seem tired, I'll come by tomorrow morning." He says, pulling away from me.

Before my mind could register what I was doing, my hand reached out a held onto his forearm.

"Wait," I say.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asks with concern lacing his eyes.

I didn't bother answering. Instead, I pull him down for a warm kiss. We both inhale sharply as our lips massage each other and when I finally pull away, he looks deeply into my eyes.

I watch as closes the door and locks it.

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