Escape (2/5)

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Turns out, some of the new people are apart of the Avengers Initiative. Carol told me about it but she said that it was created as a precaution, but never became a program.

T'Challa is the King of a very wealthy country called Wakanda, Groot, Peter Quill, Mantis and Drax are Guardians of Galaxy, Stephen does his own thing as protector of the mystic arts and Bucky is complicated- at least that's what they told me.

And he isn't the most social person, he just took one of my books and sat down on my couch as he read.

Stephen, Sam, T'Challa and I stay up passed midnight conversing how we should get out of here where everyone else was sleeping or snooping through my things, which I didn't really care about.

Since there is no electricity, I have to use candles to keep things lit.

"So we can't transport out.. there's no ripple in this dimension to step through.. there's not way to communicate with Thanos.. then how the hell are we going to get out of here?" Stephen asks.

"I have no idea.." Sam says as he pinches the bridge of his nose.

"How long have you been stuck here?" T'Challa asks.

"Twenty one days, twelve hours, thirty minutes and twelve seconds in counting." I say with a sigh.

"Well we have a lot of sharp minds in this room, we're bound to think of something." Stephen says.

Moments later, Stephen, T'Challa and Rhodes were still plotting while the others slept. I decided to go outside to get some air when I see a distant elongated light. I cock my head to side as I squint my eyes for a better view, but the only way that I get to do that is by approaching it myself.

I cautiously stand before the light that resembled a tear in the dimension. My heart races as I lift my hand to touch the light.

"Don't touch it!" I hear Bucky yell.

I ignore him and reach out to touch it anyway. This could be the way that I could get back home, and I'm not going to let anything get in my way.

I hear heavy feet running towards me and Bucky says:


His firm chest comes into contact with my back as his muscular arms wrap around my body. Though he attempted to hold me back, he ended up pushing us both through the tear in the dimension.

I blink multiple times as I wait for my eyes to recover from the massive amount of light I just went through. Bucky groans in pain when he sits up from the fall.

Luckily for me, I didn't feel anything. I stand up and brush off the dirt from my hands and clothes. I help Bucky stand from the ground.

"What point of 'do not touch it' did you not understand?" He says as he cracks the bones in his back.

"Listen bub, I've been here twenty two days now. And that was the first time I've never seen anything like that. It could have been my way home, so I took it." I say.

"Tell me, fat-head, does this look like home to you?" He snarks as he motions to the desert looking environment.

This place had a red sky and a red sun as well as a thick humidity in the air, causing sweat droplets to collect on my forehead.

"First of all, I am not a fat-head. And second of all, how the hell was I suppose to know where this would take me?" I snap.

"You should have thought about that before you go and touch a random ripple in a dimension." He snaps back.

We both roll our eyes at each other before he asks:

"Where are we now?"

"From the looks of it, and from what I saw Thanos' gauntlet.. this is the Reality Stone." I explain.

"Great.. we've moved from one hell to another. All because you-"

"Okay, enough with the blame already. I know I screwed up and that I'm responsible for bringing us here. But you didn't have to come with me. You could have let go on my own, but instead you tried to save me, why?" I interrupt.

He merely stares into my Y/E/C orbs with his eyes, which are now a shade of baby blue. He tenses his jaw as he continue to stare at me, and I cross my arms as I stare at him.

"Let's just find a place to hide out until tomorrow," He says with a sigh.

I hesitantly comply as we walk through the desert.


At this point, we stripped off the extra layers of clothing that we didn't need in this heat. Bucky pulls his hair into a cute man bun. I wanted to comment on it, but since we weren't on the best of terms.. I held back.

"Do you want to stop here or are you okay with continuing?" He asks, noticing me slowing of pace.

"I'm fine, let's keep going." I say.

He examines me and almost like he wanted, a yawn slipped from my lips.

"Alright, let's stop." He says.

"I said I'm fine, I-"

"What kind of man would I be if I let a dame like yourself not get her beauty sleep?" He interrupts.

I sit down on the ground and ask:

"Why do you talk like that?"

"Talk like what?" He asks, sitting down across from me.

"Like your from the 1940s or something."

"Probably because I am from the 1940s or something." He states.

I cock my head to the side, but before I could ask a question, he says:

"It's complicated,"

"So I've been told," I say.

We gaze at each other for a moment, before I lay on my side and rest my head on the clothes that I took off. 

My eyes slowly started to close and a darkness came over me.

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