Steve Rogers (An Avengers Endgame Story) [4/12]

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(Third Person's P.O.V.)
Natasha, Thor and Rhodey all head down the hall to the kitchen.

"Did you guys hear the storm that came through last night?" Rhodey asks as he scratches the back of his neck.

"Yeah, it poured down for almost three hours and it just went away. Was it you, Thor?" Natasha asks.

"What thunderstorm? I slept like a rock last night. I guess I'm used to loud noises in my sleep." Thor states before he yawns deeply.

He walks into the kitchen and grabs a box of pop tarts to put in the toaster when Natasha notices that Steve and Y/N were still sound asleep in the living room. She claps a hand over his mouth as she notices that Steve's arm was securely wrapped around Y/N's waist and that Y/N has her face nestled into his chest like a puppy.

"Do you know where Lady Y/N is? I looked in her room and-" Thor starts.

"Shhh! Thor," Natasha snaps.


Natasha motions Rhodey and Thor over and they all peer down at Steve and Y/N cuddling.

"When did they become a thing?" Rhodey asks.

"What are you talking about? They've always been a thing. They just took forever to realize it." Natasha says as she crosses her arms.

"Good morning' guys," Clint greets as he walks into the kitchen.

Natasha shushes him too and shows him what everyone else has been staring at. Soon enough, everyone- with that exception of a jealous Rocket- was watching Steve cuddle with Y/ . Natasha of course, took as many pictures and video as she could. She was literally fangirling over a ship that she saw since the beginning.

Meanwhile, Steve finally wakes up and he finds himself caressing Y/N's arm with his thumb. He lifts his head from the couch and looks down at Y/N with a smile. He admires how mellow her face is with sleep and how the Y/H/C, Y/H/T hair spills onto his face. Her body looks so small and slender in comparison to his. Butterflies tickle Steve's stomach as Y/N slowly starts to stir as she wakes. She slowly pulls away from his neck and stretches out her body as she yawns.

She looks up at Steve dazzlingly and smiles up at him, making the butterflies in his stomach intensify.

"Good morning," She says.

"Good morning, how did you sleep?" He asks as she props himself up on his elbow.

"A lot better than I normally do. How about you?" Y/N asks, both her and Steve are completely oblivious to the fact everyone is watching them.


"I'm glad," Y/N says with a warm smile.

"Jeez, won't you guys just kiss already? You're taking forever in a million years." Rocket snarks.

Steve inhales sharply and stands abruptly from  the couch.

"G-guys, we didn't know that you were here," Steve stumbles.

"Yeah, clearly," Rocket states.

Y/N stands from the couch as well and says:

"So, what are we doing today?"

"Well we were going to work on the plan some more. But you and Rogers are more than happy to resume what you were doing." Thor states, taking another bite of his toasted Pop Tart.

"Oh, um, no I-I think that we're okay. Right, we're okay?" Steve says to Y/N.

"Yeah, we're fine." Y/N states.

"Perfect, we'll meet in the conference room." Thor states.


Steve and I have been sleeping together for the past few months. Not in the way most people think. Having each other to hold, it gives us a certain security. And I haven't been having any nightmares since we've been sleeping together.

I know that I should be focusing on getting my family back, and we are, so in the meantime we just enjoy each other's company.

I am currently punching the punching to pass the time.I release a loud yell as I roundhouse kick the bag and knock it off of the hook.

Steve whistles before saying:

"Rough day?"

"No, I'm fine." I say breathlessly.

He arched an eyebrow at me and crosses his arms as he nears me.

"I know that I can be gullible at times, but this time ain't one of those times." He says.

"It's just.. everyday, we are getting closer and closer on fighting Thanos and getting back the people we love. And everyday that passes, I doubt my abilities and my role in everything." I state.

"What if I screw up, Steve? What if I screw up and get everybody killed?" I add.

"That's why you we are training you everyday. To make sure that you feel ready. I don't want to make you nervous, but we are really relying on you to do your part so we can do ours. You and Thor have the biggest roles in this; so we have to make sure that you are ready." He says.

"And the doubt increases," I say before punching the bag whilst turning my hip like Natasha taught me in our first training session.

"I'm sorry. That's not what I wanted to happen. I just wanted you to know how serious this is." He states.

"Believe me, I know." I say before punching the bag again and then doing a spinning wheel kick.

A spinning wheel kick which Steve caught effortlessly.

"There's something else bothering you, isn't it?" He asks, still keeping a grip on my leg.

"Nothing's bothering me, Steve." I lie.

Truth is, I want to confront him about how I feel. But I know that it seems like a bad time, since the last fight with Thanos is in four days.

"Can you please give me my leg back?" I ask.

He lets go of my leg and I set it down gently.

"Why are you lying?" He asks, the crease between his eyebrows deepening.

"Because it's not relevant to Thanos, that's why." I say, taking off my gauges that I have wrapped around my knuckles.

"Well if it's bothering you this much, then we should definitely talk about it." He says from behind me.

My back is faces him as I pack up my things. He pulls me back by my shoulder and holds my head in his hands.

"You know you can trust me, Y/N." He adds.

My hands hold onto his wrists as we gaze into each other's eyes. His breath fans against my lips and the warmth of his hands on my face spreads all through my body. That's when I decide to take a chance and lean my head up to press a kiss onto his lips. His body tenses at first but soon eases as he trails his hands to my lower back and pulls me closer.

"W-wait," he stumbles as he pulls away from me.

A series of a breath leaves my lips as I look up into his light green eyes.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I can't do this. I have to focus on saving Bucky and Sam and everyone else. I can't afford to get distracted." He says, stepping away from me and let go of his grip on my waist.

"Oh.." I say softly.

Embarrassment becomes present in my cheeks and tears pinch my eyes.

"Um, yes, you are completely right. I'm sorry if I overstepped. I'll just... go." I add before quickly gathering my things and walking out of the gym.

"Y/N," He calls.

"It's okay, Steve. I just need some air." I say before rushing away.

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