Johnny Storm (A Fantastic Four Story) [5/6]

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Reed gets in between Johnny and Ben so that Ben's punch wouldn't hit Johnny too hard. Johnny still went flying into a banner, but it could have been a lot worse.

When Johnny lands, he looks at Ben with flaming eyes and his jaw clenches with anger.


Ben walks away from Johnny and he throws fireballs at Ben's head. Ben stops in his tracks and tries to speak but Johnny throws another fireball at his face.

"Stop, Johnny!" I say finally.

"Stay out of this," He snaps.

"Okay, you two need a time out." Susan says as she stands been Johnny and Ben and puts up her forcefields.

Ben walks away again and when Johnny tries to defend himself, she says:

"I don't care. Damn it, Johnny!"

She runs after Ben and Reed and I both look to Johnny whilst shaking our heads in shame.

"You're unbelievably childish," I say before attempting to walk away.

"And they call me the player," I hear him mumble.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?" I ask, turning myself around to face him.

"They call me the player and the heartbreaker, well at least I have a girlfriend for two weeks or a month max. Whereas you prefer one night stands that mean nothing to you." Johnny states.

I'm in shock of him talking about us in front of literally all of New York.

"Do you all want to know why I call her heartbreaker?" Johnny asks the crowd, who shouts in agreement.

"Johnny, don't." I warn.

"Why not, Y/N?  We're both adults, right? We have to own up to our actions." He states.

"Y/N and I had sex. And after it was over, instead of admitting that she wanted it to happen, she says that it was her moment of weakness. And that it meant nothing to her, which I know is bullshit. Otherwise, you wouldn't have let me in between your legs to begin with." He states.

Reporters swarm me and Johnny with questions and a wave of heat washes over my body. My breathing becomes shallow and tears of fear and anxiety brims in my eyes.

I have to get out of here. I think to myself before walking away.

"Don't run from this now, Y/N." Johnny says as he pulls me back, placing his scorching hot hand on my wrist.

"Ow, Johnny you're hurting me!" I exclaim as I pull away from his hand.

I clutch my hand and glance down at it to see a red outline of Johnny's hand. The dwelling pain in my wrist only adds to my tears.

"Oh my God, Y/N. I'm so sorry." He apologizes as he takes a step towards me.

"Leave me alone!" I yell, sending a strong pulse of energy from my hands and onto him.

He lands in a large crowd of people and I rush away toward Susan and Ben.

"What I'd give to me invisible," Ben says to Susan before rushing away too.

I run after him and ignore Susan when she calls my name.

"Ben," I say once I catch up to him.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Keeping you company, just like old times." I say.

"Why would you want to hang out with me? According to Johnny, I'm a monster." Ben says as he continues to walk.

"Screw what Johnny thinks. He has no right to classify anybody, especially considering what he is." I say.

"And besides, you and me, we're in this together. We grew up together and we even got blasted together. So if you're leaving the group, then I'll be right there with you, pal." I add.

"Thanks, Y/N."

"No problem," I say, wiping away my tears.

"Wait- are you crying? What happened to your hand?" He asks.

"Johnny happened," I say with a sigh.

"He burned you?"

"Yep, him and I had a falling out. It was my fault really, for allowing it to happen."

"Allowing what to happen?" He asks.

"I had sex with Johnny,"

"You what?!" He exclaims.

"Jeez, yell that a little louder why don't ya." I state.

"After all these years, you finally gave into him?"

"I was pissed at Tyler for cheating and Johnny caught me when I was at my weakest. It didn't mean anything to me, but apparently it meant something to him." I explain.

"So he was your rebound?"

"Yep. And he made a big scene today because of it. So what happened today was partially my fault."

"By now, Johnny's rant is all over the news and Susan and Reed are probably watching it. Oh my God, what do you think Susan is going to say?" I add as I ran a hand over my face.

"I think you picked the wrong guy to be your rebound," he says.

"I agree with that statement."

"Well, I don't know about you, but I am starving. Want to go into that diner?" He asks.

"Gladly, but I want anything besides paninis." I say.


"You know we're going to have to head back sooner or later." Ben says as he slurps up the last of his Mountain Dew.

"I know," I say with a sigh.

"But I'm just not looking forward to it," I add.

"Well like you said, we'll do things together so that we don't have to be alone. The same things applies to this." He states.

We both stand from the table and leave the diner.

With take a cab to Reed's compound and as soon as Ben and I walk through the door, I hear Johnny say:


Still clutching my burned hand, I meet his sorrowed gaze.

"I'll be in my room if you need me," Ben says before walking up to his room.

"Oh my God, Y/N. I am so sor-"

"Save it, Johnny." I interrupt as I advance towards the stairs.

"I let myself get completely out of control and people got hurt- you got hurt." He says, following me.

I continue to walk up the stairs and he adds:

"Come on, at least let me take a look at your burn."

"The burn that you gave me? No thanks,"

"Y/N, please." He begs, desperation dripping from voice.

With an annoyed sigh, I stop walking up the steps and turn around to face him.

"Okay," I say in defeat.

"I'll get the first aid kit. Take a seat on the couch." He says.

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