The Alternate Universe (9/10)

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The sound of a zipper wakes me from my slumber. I am laying on my stomach and look over my shoulder to see Steve in his uniform.

"Steve?" I ask.

"Hey there," He says, sitting down next to me on the bed.

He takes my hand into his and presses a warm, lingering kiss on the back of my hand.

"Good morning," He adds.

"Good morning, where you going?" I ask, shifting my weight on my back.

"Wakanda, the team and I found a mercenary that sold Vibranium to Strucker. We think that is where Ultron is headed." Steve explains.

"You need my help?" I ask.

"No, I'm not going to put your life on danger. I vowed to protect you, not the opposite." He says.

"Well technically it's not you endangering my life, it's me. I'm the one offering my help, you're not asking for it. And its not like I'm  defenseless if things go south." I explain.

He looks at me skeptically and I add:

"Come on, I'll be your back up. Like Bruce."

He sighs with defeat and says:

"Fine, I'll go ask Nat if she packed an extra uniform."


I lay on my back and use my telekinesis to levitate a ball as I wait for the team to call Banner or me in. Banner is sitting down on the bench and reading a hefty book on bio-organics.

"So Steve really seems to care about you."
Banner states.

I catch the ball that I was levitating and say:

"Yes, I would hope that he cares for me as much as I care for him."

"We've never seen Steve this way. This determined to do anything got someone he cares about. And to be honest, that makes things tricky. Your powers are stronger than anything that I've ever seen and that makes you dangerous. And Steve being unwilling to realize that, makes him dangerous." Banner says.

"So what are you proposing, Bruce?" I ask.

"I'm not proposing anything. I'm just stating the facts. You don't belong in this universe, and  I understand that you are running from Rose's death and your mother's death, and what to tell  Thaxter.. but that's where you belong. You belong in the universe where there is an X-Men, and maybe you could join it if it helps atone for your sins." He explains.

"I don't know if I am ever able to atone for my sins, for the innocent people that I have killed." I say.

"I understand, believe me, I do. But people like us, we have to find ways to ease off the guilt, or else.. we go rogue and we eventually get put down." Banner states.

"And what if they can't put us down?"

"Let's just pray that we never reach that point in our lives." He states.

"So you're saying that I should go back where I came from because it best for the safety of everyone else?" I ask.

"Yes, that's precisely what I'm saying." He says.

"I'm.. I'm sorry, Bruce. But I can't; I can't leave Steve." I say.

"And what about Thaxter? Are you going to let him spend the rest of his life searching for you?"

"No, I don't want that..." I trail off.

"I.. I think we should take precautions for you, if you decide to go rogue. If you're not going to leave then we are going to take precautions, do you agree with that?" Banner suggests.

I nod and he adds:

"Good. What do you suggest we do? Only you would know what's strong enough to stop you."

"We should definitely focus on my transportation abilities. And if that doesn't work, then we move onto multi-dimensional transportation." I say.

He nods before saying:

"Y/N, I have something to show you. Steve didn't want you to know, but I feel that you can't keep away something like this for too long."

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

Banner pulls out a tablet and typed in a few words. I stood up from my bench and sat down next to Banner.

He types in 'Largest Recorded Tsunmai in Wold History' and multiple articles and links describing it popped. I tapped on a CNN News link and the spokesperson was describing the Tsunami that killed over 300,000 people in Indonesia and China. The breath left my lungs as they showed images and videos that drones have captured.

There was so much damaged and debris of houses, uplifted roadways and trees; and there were so many limp bodies that camermen tired to pixel out, but the point still came across. I killed these people.

"Oh my God," I say, clamping my hand over my mouth.

Tears swelled in my eyes and trailed down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I just.. figured that you would want to know." Banner says.

"No, thank you for telling me." I say, wiping away my tears.

That's when we realize that the comms have  silent for at least ten minutes.

"Is or normal for them not to say anything for a while?" I ask.

"No, it's not." He says as he stands.

He approaches the control panels and click on something that release a high pitch whine. We covered our ears and Banner presses on a button that made the sound stop.

"Guys?" He calls.


"Is this a code Green?"


He opened the hatch door to look for any signs of enough struggle for him to turn. That's when I felt something cold and metallic press against my stomach. There was a silver and blue aura of a person running passed me and in the blink of an eye, he was gone.

I look down at my stomach and see my black uniform darken with blood.

"B-Bruce," I say, making drops of blood leave  I my lips.

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