We Need to Help (2/2)

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A/N: There are some spoilers of Infinity War, but none too drastic.
And with that, they take him away under some sort of spell. Tony flies up after the ship and he managed to get on.

"Apprentice Y/N?" I hear someone say.

I could hear the person but it sounded like they were speaking into a tunnel.

"Y/N," I hear the voice repeat.

"Yes?" I say.

"You have to go with Dr.Banner, I'll hold down this Sanctum for as long as I could." Wong states:

"Y/N, you have to do it.. For Stephen." He adds before making a portal back to the New York Sanctum.

"Where are we headed?" I ask Dr. Banner.

"The Avengers Compound." He responds.


I am sitting on a couch with my elbows resting on my knees and I fold my hands together. I press my lips against my knuckles as I think back to Stephen's last words: "You won't have a choice."

"Who is she again?" I hear Black Widow whisper to her group of Avengers.

"She is Doctor Strange's girlfriend. Another manipulator or the arts; she is one of the strongest that I've seen." Banner say.

"Where is she from?" King T'Challa asks.

"Kamar Taj, I believe." Banner says in a questioning tone.

"If you guys are going to whisper like children, at least speak low enough so I cannot hear you." I say loud enough for them to hear.

They all stop murmuring and walk over to me.

"We are just making sure that you are someone we can trust." Black Widow says as she folds her arms.

"It isn't me you need to worry about trusting." I say.

"And why is that?" She asks.

I stand from my place on couch and look into her eyes, not in a challenging manner, but in a serious manner.

"Because those people who are a part of Thanos' army, they took the love of my life. And I intend on getting him back. If his army comes here, I won't hesitate to fight if it means I can save him." I say.

"They're here." T'Challa calls from the window.

"There's something you need to know though," I say before everybody leaves.

"I have a piece of the dark dimension inside me. Which means that I naturally possess the abilities from the dark dimension. When I use it, it tends to take over." I add.

"What happens when it takes over?" She asks.

"People die,"

"Well, do you have a lullaby? You know, something that calms you down when you turn dark?" She asks.

"Stephen was my lullaby." I explain.

"Then whatever you do, don't turn dark unless you absolutely have to." Captain says.

I nod and follow the others to the battlefield. We stand at the top of a hill while the mutant-like things try through the barrier. Black Panther and Captain America ran to the barrier to speak to the two alien from Thanos' army.

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