Depleting Confidence (3/4)

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I feel a warm hand on my shoulder trying to shake me awake. I groan and move to swat away the hand.

"Wake up, beautiful. We're here." I hear Steve says in a soft voice.

The plane ride from California to New York is definitely something that I did not miss. Luckily though, Tony let Steve and Bucky use his private plane so I didn't have to go through the struggle of missing a flight.

The air conditioning was on blast as soon as I stepped onto the plane. This would have been an amazing feel in the summer, but since it's the end of fall and near the beginning of since, I'm was not appreciating it very much.

Steve and Bucky noticed and they each gave me their jackets with fleece lined on the inside.
I wore Steve's, which made me look like a toddler in comparison to my size. Then I used Bucky's jacket as a blanket.

I pull my blanket/jacket towards me and turn away from the Steve trying to wake me up.

"Leave me alone, I'm comfortable." I whine.

I hear him sigh and then I feel two muscles arms slide under my legs and beneath my back. The blanket/jacket falls off of me and I curl my body towards his naturally warm body.

He lets go of my legs temporarily and squats down to get the blanket/jacket that fell. He covered my body with it and says:


I still kept my eyes closed and sighed as he walks me into a building.

"Is she okay?" I hear Pepper ask.

"Yeah, she's just tired." Steve says.

Then I hear the sound of a camera shutter followed by Pepper saying:

"I'm totally going to tease her about this."

"Where should I set her down?" Steve asked.

"You can put her in my room,"

Steve complies and he sets me down on the bed. It seems like the walls in her room are soundproof because the second Steve walks me into the room, all sound went silent.

He sets me down on the soft mattress and brushes the strands of hair from my face. He stands there for a couple of seconds, almost as if he was debating whether he should say something or not. He decides not to and walks towards the door. I was going to let him leave before I noticed something: he called me beautiful.

"I'm not beautiful," I say softly.

His hand was an inch away from the door knob when he turns around to see that I was awake. An amused smile tugs on his lips as he says:

"How did I know that you would somehow find away to correct the fact that I called you beautiful?"

"Because I'm not, in any way, shape or form, beautiful." I state.

I rub the sleep out of my eyes and he sits on the edge of the bed. He chuckles a little and rests his chin on the face of his palm as he looks at me. His ocean blue eyes seem darker than normal.

"What's so amusing?" I ask.

"What's amusing is the fact that a hosty-tosty tomato like yourself doesn't think that you're beautiful." He says.

"I know that I look like a tomato but I don't know what hosty-tosty means." I say.

"No, not what I meant. Tomato means woman and hosty tosty means attractive. You are an attractive woman, and a beautiful woman." He explains.


"I will not stop calling you beautiful until you believe it. You challenged me and I will win this challenge." He says.

"Steve, you there?" Bucky calls.

"I'll be right there." Steve says.

"See you around beautiful," He adds before leaving the room.

I mentally groan and fall back onto the bed.


A yawn escapes my lips as I sit up from the bed. I stretch out my sore muscles and sigh when I feel the bones crack. I swing my legs over the edge of bed and slide my feet into my moccasins. I bundle myself in my robe and grab my toothpaste, toothbrush and hairbrush. Then I walk out of the door to go find Pepper.

Yesterday Steve, Bucky and Tony spent most of the night unloading the boxes from the plane. I wanted to help but Steve wouldn't allow "a dame like myself to carry heavy boxes". His gentleman like nature is really interfering with my independent personality.

"Good morning, beautiful." Tony says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Really Steve? You got Tony in on this too?" I say.

I slowly look to the side to see all the Avengers in the dining room, and they were all staring at me. My heart races and wave of heat rolled through my body.

"Doesn't she look just like Pepper?" Tony asks Banner.

"Yes, I mean that is her younger sister, Tony." Banner retorts.

My hands started to shake uncontrollably and I took that as a sign to leave. I practically sprint into Pepper's room and abruptly closed the door.

"Pam? What happened?" Pepper asks sleepily.

I sit on the edge of the bed next to her as she rubs the sleep out of her eyes.

"All the Avengers are out there. And I mean everyone, Sam Wilson, Steve, Bucky, Vision, Wanda, Banner and Natasha." I say.

"Yes, Pam. They all practically live here." Pepper says, annoyed that I woke her up.

"You can't avoid them forever. Go over there and mingle." She adds.

My heart skips a beat as soon as I hear those words leave her mouth.

"What? Are you out of your mind? I am not in anyway social. You know what happen when try." I snap.

"They don't care about your stutter, Pam." She says.

"I'm not going out there," I say, sliding underneath the covers next to her.

"Well they're going to be there a while. So you might as well get comfortable." She says.

I sigh with annoyance and she adds:

"Eventually you're going to have to talk to them. It's better sooner than later."

"Ergh, fine." I say, getting out of the bed.

I wrap my hand around the door knob and release a long, slow breath.

"Okay, Pam. You got this." I say to myself.

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