The Alternate Universe (5/10)

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I open my door to see Steve scrolling through something on his phone. He glances up at me and does a double take. He slips his phone into his back pocket before saying:


"Did I dress too fancy? I think I dressed too fancy. I'll go get changed." I say frantically.

"No," Steve says abruptly.

"No, you look amazing." He adds.

Embarrassment pinched my cheeks and I take this moment to look at Steve. He was wearing a dark blue button up that brings out his skin tone and ocean blue eyes perfectly. The shirt is tucked into his black dress pants and he wears dress shoes.

"And you look even better," I say.

His cheeks redden slightly as he approaches me.

"That's impossible. You ready to go?" He asks.

"Ready than I'll ever be," I say.

He offers me his arm and I gladly take it. I gently rub my thumb against his rock solid biceps and his ocean blue eyes burrow into my hazel ones.

We walk out of the apartment and he opens the car door for me.

"And they say chivalry is dead." I say, sitting into the car.

"Well, it's my job to make sure that it isn't." He says with a smile.

He closes my door before hopping into the car himself and driving to Tony's building. Tony's valet parked the car and Steve and I said:

"Thank you,"

We walk into the elevator and Steve presses the button to the tenth floor. I release a shaky breath and gulp slowly. He notices and asks:

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine.. I'm just, not exactly the most extroverted person." I explain.

"I'll be right there with you the entire time. You're going to be okay." He says.

I nod and rest my head on the crook of his neck as I sigh. He rests his chin on top of my head and wraps his arms around my small frame. The elevator dings and I pull away from him before the doors open.

Third Person P.O.V.:
Y/N takes a deep breath before walking out of the elevator with a strut. Steve watches with amusement before following her.

"Steve!" Tony greets.

"Whoa, hello.. who is this gorgeous woman?" Tony asks.

"Tony, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Tony." Steve introduces.

Y/N extends her hand to Tony and says:

"Nice to meet you,"

Tony passes by her hand and pulls her in for s hug.

"Sorry, but I'm a hugger." Tony whispers in her ear.

"And you smell amazing," He adds.

"Thank you," She says as she pulls away.

Steve clenches his jaw but doesn't let his jealousy get the best of him. Y/N returns to Steve's side and he bitterly says:

"I'll be with Sam at the pool table."

"Okay," Y/N trails off.

She glances at Steve before walking towards the bar to get a beer.

"Do you think he's okay?" She asks Tony.

"Yes, he'll be fine. Come on, let me introduce you to the others." He says as he leads her to his friends with a hand on her lower back.

Steve huffs and clenches his jaw once again.

"You okay, man?" Sam asks Steve.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He says before glancing at Y/N, who is sitting elegantly between Rhodes and Tony.

"I'm fine." Steve says, taking swig of his beer.

"Let's play," He adds.

While Steve and Sam were playing pool, Abbott scanned the room for something better to do than to pose as Tony's fake trophy girl. She looked for any women to talk to, but most of the party were guys. Then she finally see Natasha talking to Bruce.

"I'm going to go get a drink," Y/N says politely before patting Tony's shoulder.

"Alright, don't be gone too long." Tony calls after her.

"Oh I intend to be," Y/N says under her breath.

Y/N sits at the bar and Natasha made her way towards her.

"You must be Steve's date." Natasha says with a smile.

"What gave me away?" Y/N asks.

"By the way Steve is looking at you right now." Nat says.

Y/N looks over her shoulder to see Steve pressing his palms against the edge of the pool table as he looks at Y/N. His ocean blue eyes are tainted with jealousy and it triggered something in Y/N. Something that she couldn't describe

"I don't know what his problem is." Y/N says, turning back to Nat.

"I know what his problem is," she says with a chuckle.

She makes me a Bloody Mary as she adds:

"He's not mad at you. He's mad at Tony for not respecting the fact that you are his date. He's upset that men nowadays are not as respectful as they used to be."

"But how is that my fault though?" Y/N asks.

"It's not your fault. One of the bad things about being a beautiful as you is not only do you attract Steve, but you attract other men too. Other men as persistent as Tony." Nat explains.

"Don't worry though. Steve is debating whether or not he should come over here or not. Either you go over there or he'll come over here." She adds.

Y/N looks over her shoulder and met Steve's gaze once again. The song "Be Mine" by The Heavy came on and Y/N thought it was the perfect song to dance to.

"Hey hot stuff. This song sounds great to dance to, don't you think?" Tony asks as he approaches Y/N.

"Yeah, I totally agree." Y/N states.

"Just go talk to her. She's your date, not Tony's." Sam says to Steve.

"I know I just.. I feel dumb for being jealous." Steve says.

"Well you better buck up. 'Cause she's making her way over here right now." Sam states.

Steve looks up and Sam was right, Y/N left Tony hanging and made her way to Steve. The man that she genuinely wanted to be with. It seems like time slowed for Steve as he watches Y/N's hair flows behind her as she walks. Her confident facade only made her more attractive to him.

"Hi," Y/N says as she approaches Steve.

"Hey," Steve says.

"Care to dance with me, Cap?" She asks, offering him her hand.

"I don't know how to dance to this kind of music. I don't even know how to dance at all, to be honest." Steve said, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"Then follow my lead," She chirps.

She does the adorable head cock that Steve couldn't resist.

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