Airplanes (1/2)*

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A/N: This is a continuation of The Alternate Universe.
It was finally over, we defeated Ultron and we even gained some allies like Wanda and Vision. So at least I don't have to worry about Steve when I leave. Yes, you heard me right; I'm leaving. I'm not leaving forever, but I think that I need learn to accept and embrace my powers.

I've hated them for as a long as I can remember and I had them removed from five years. Now that they are back, and not going anyway, I think it is crucial to know how to control it and not have it control me. That's the only way that I can maintain the safety of those around me.

Banner completely approved of what I am going and he even informed me on places that I can go to do such things. Tony bought the tickets and here I am, packing to leave first thing tomorrow morning. The only obstacle that I have left is probably the hardest of all, Steve.

I sigh as I stuff my fold my clothes into the suitcase.

"Hey Y/N/N, I was thinking that we- what are you doing?" Steve says as he walks into my room.

"I'm leaving," I say softly.

"What? Why? Did I.. did I do something wrong?" He asks, making my heart shatter.

"No, no you did everything perfectly. I just need to figure some things out about myself before I dedicate myself to all this. I need to know that I can control my power and protect the people I care about." I say.

"Y/N," He says softly.

I continued to pack and he reached over and closed my suitcase. He slid my suitcase across the bed and I look up at him.

"You don't have to leave," He says.

"No you're right, I don't. But it's better if I do." I say.


"Because you're my trigger. If things go wrong with you and I'm on a mission, there was no way that I can concentrate and things could go wrong. Look at what I did to Indonesia and China-"

"You didn't know what it would cause. You meant well." He interrupts.

"But that doesn't change the fact that I was responsible for it." I say.

"I did what I did on accident. Imagine the amount of damage that I can do on purpose. I can't afford to imagine this, I have to know how much damage I am capable of doing. That's just something that I have to know. And I can't figure this out here, where it's densely populated." I add.

"Well, where are you going to go?" He asks.


He inhales sharply and runs through his hair.

"But it's not going to be forever. Just enough time for me to understand myself. I can't fight by your side and fight with myself at the same time." I explain.

"I know.. I just don't want you to leave. I've gotten used to being with you and around you. I can't just let you go for God knows how long." He states.

"Then let's make a pact," I say.

"If I don't come back after three years, you move on from me and find someone else to make you happy." I add.

"Are you out of your mind? No, I'm not going to do that. That's what the ordinary guys do. Some guys wait after a whole day after their significant other left to move on. So if you wanted me to be like them, then I'm sorry, but I'm not. You're the first person that I loved since Peggy, you can't expect me to move on from you that quick. That's just not going to happen." He asks.

"I would still love you even if you move on from me, Steve,"

"I'm not letting you go," he commands as he grabs my hands and pulls me closer to him.

He rests his forehead against mine and slides his arms around my waist.

"You won't have a choice," I say, almost in tears.

"Tony already bought the plane ticket," I add.

"Then he can return it. He's a billionaire, it's not like he doesn't gave more money to spend." He snaps.

"You have to let me leave Steve," I say.

"I can't.."

I slowly slide my hands from the back of his neck and down his jawline. He releases a shaky breath and brushes his nose against mine. He leans down and tilts his head until his lips finally meet mine. I take his bottom lip in between mine and trails his hands down my back. He squeezes my sides as our lips continue to move in sync.

He pushes me into the bed and rests himself in between my legs. His solid abs press against my stomach as he presses sensual kisses down my neck. I run my fingers through his dirty blonde hair and I wrap my legs around his waist. I pull off my tank top and he trails his hands down my sides and tucks his hands in the creases of my knees.

"I'm sorry, Steve. I should have asked if you wanted this first. I shouldn't-" I start.

"I want this as much as you do." He says.

I nod and he tucks a few strands of my hair behind my ear. I capture his lips in a deep kiss and slide my hands underneath his tight, gray shirt. I moan as I am up close with his swollen chest pecks and toned abdomen. I push on his shoulders so that I am straddling his waist and he pulls me down for another kiss.

My hair fans out around me and I start to grind my hips against Steve's. He moans and throws his head back at the sensation. I suck and nip at the skin of the base of his neck. His member began to harden and create a pressure at my core. Before I got carried away, I stopped and press another kiss on his lips.

"No, you can finish." He says against my lips.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

He nods and I take off my shorts as well as his pants. I took his bulging member into my hands and started to palm him through his boxers. A breath got caught in his throat as I grind into his as I am palming him. Wetness pools in my core as he bites his lip. I felt a knot form in my stomach and I decide to grind him harder. I felt his member twitch under me and he whines.

We both came and he pins me down on the bed. His ocean blue eyes have a pinch of green in them. He left kisses up my thighs and onto my stomach. He slipped his hand under my underwear and rests his knee in between my legs.

"Steve," I moan as he sinks two fingers into my throbbing core.

He curls them at the right spot and I fan out to give him more access. He speeds up his movements and I squeeze onto his biceps. I move my hips match the rhythm of his fingers. When I neared my second orgasm, he moved his knee against me and I cry out as my orgasm came slowly.

He pulled my underwear down my legs and pulled his own off. By now, his thick, throbbing member was fully erected and he lines himself up with my core.

"W-wait a second.." he says.

He reaches into the drawer and pulled out a condom.

"Steve?" I ask, with surprise.

"Sam says that it's better safe than sorry," Steve says in a shaky breath.

He slides the condom on and returns to his position as before. He slowly pushes into me, making my toes curl. Once I adjust, he started thrusting into me with short, heavy thrusts. He buries is face into my breasts and lifts my hips off of the bed. I run my fingers through his hair and we moan against each other.

My walls clench against him as I came down from my third orgasm. He pulls out and throws the condom in the trash can.

"Wow," I say breathlessly, unable to move.

"That was.. amazing." I add.

"Thank you," Steve says before presses a warm kiss on my lips.

He pulls back the covers and piles me onto his chest as we lay in them.

"It's a shame that you're leaving is what triggered this. I hoped this would have happened under better circumstances." Steve explains.

"Me too," I say as a rest my hand on his chest.

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