Sired (1/2)

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-Y/N is sired to both Francis and Wade-
I fold my arms across my chest when Angel Dust was debriefing us about the basics of self defense. I catch the gaze of many guys scanning my body. Given, I was wearing a sports bra and a spandex under my shorts, that was still no reason to full out stare at me. Besides, was taken by the one and only Francis.

I know what you're probably thinking, Francis is a sadistic fucker who loves to ruins people's lives..

That's not exactly the case- well, not for me at least.

The edges of my hair brushes up against the back of my neck as I cock my head to the side in attempt to listen to Angel Dust.

"Now, lets start with non-padded sparring. Anything goes, so if you think that you can't survive this, you might as well walk out now." Angel Dust says.

Some people in the mass of trainees looked at me with concern. They should be concerned, I'm one of the strongest mutants that Francis created. I've been here as long as all the rest of the trainees have, but I'm just... different. In the few months under his experiments, developed the powers of fire and disintegration.

Francis noticed this too, he's kept an extra close eye on me. Then our attraction to each other became known and it turns out I am more susceptible to siring. Siring, as you all know, basically means that I see someone as my King and want to do everything to please said person. Francis happens to be that person.

He's made me his right hand woman ever since and dare I say his girlfriend. But I'm practically his Queen, which means that I get whatever I want, whenever I want.

Speaking of the Devil, Francis walks down the flight of stairs with his arms linked behind his back. The murmurs die down to silence once the trainees become aware of his presence.

"I'm sure that you all have heard about Y/N here. But I can assure you, she is only here to help." Angel Dust says.

"Well.. you have every right to be afraid of her... after all, she is undefeated." Francis says as he walks passed me.

"If her fire doesn't kill you, her disintegration will." He adds, throwing a brick at me.

I catch the brick and watch as it slowly crumbles into nothing in the palm of my hands. I hear multiple people gulp loudly and Angel says:

"Alright! More sparring, less talking. Let's go!"

She claps her hands as she speaks for more emphasis. I turn to follow the rest of the crowd, but Francis held me back by my bicep.

"Be in my office right after class." He whispers, his lips caress the shell of my ear.

"Yes, my King." I whispering the last part.

I bite my lip and I stare up into his deep, blue eyes.


I don't bother knocking; I just walk right in and lock the door. By the time I turn around, I am pressed against the door. Francis pins my arms above my head and parts my legs with his knee. He grinds into me as he nips at the sensitive skin of my collarbone.

I moan at his movements and rests my head against the door. He leaves a long, passionate kiss on my lips whilst slides his hand down my arms and lifts me off the ground by my thighs. He wraps my legs around his waist and still continued to kiss me.

His hands cups my rear and he slides my back up the wall. He thumbs knead my inner thighs and I link my arms around his neck. His tongue parts my lips and explores my mouth. I hum against his lips and he lifts me onto his office desk. He rips off my shorts and spandex before he kissed up my stomach.

"Francis?" Angel Dust says from outside of the door.

He growls with annoyance before saying:


"There's been a security breach at one of the warehouses. Wade's left a message for you. I assumed you wanted to see it." She says.

Francis gazes down at me before saying lowly:

"Then I guess we'll have to make this quick."

I smile as I pull him down for another kiss.

** Third Person's P.O.V.:

Y/N peacefully sleeps bare in the sheets of Francis' bed. Her light snores match the speed of he chest slowly rising and falling.

Deadpool finds Francis' main warehouse and kicks down the door of the bedroom. He wields both of his swords defensively.

"Guess who, motherf-" Deadpool stops mid-sentence when he sees Y/N waking up from the abrupt noise.

"Well hello beautiful, would you care to tell me where Francis Fucker Freeman is?"

"He uh.. mentioned something about .... a Wade Wilson." She says, still in shock.

"Ha! Well you look at that, we just missed each other because we were on our way to kill each other. It's kind of coincidental, don't you think?" He asks.

"Not really?" She says.

"Tough crowd." He adds, putting his swords back into their holsters.

"Anywho, I'm going to leave now, wanna come?" He asks.

"No thanks," Y/N says, collapsing back onto the bed.

"What the fuck is wrong with you! You would voluntarily stay with Francis?" He asks.

"I like it here." She says, propping herself on her elbows.

"That's it, you're coming with me."

And with that, he wraps the sheets tightly around her small frame and throws her over his shoulder.

"Let me go this instant before I burn you to a crisp!" She says.

He completely blows off her commentary and walks her out of the building.

"Judging by where you were and how privileged you are... It shows that Francis cares for you. I don't particularly care why, but I know that I can use you to my advantage. And not how you think, I already have a girlfriend and she's hot, so I wouldn't be cheating on her with anybody." He says.

Y/N lights her hands on fire and tries to burn him but the suit he is wearing prevents her from doing so. Then she switched to her other power and the same thing happened. She groans in frustration and contemplates what to do after he lets her go.

"But don't worry, I'm not a barbarian; we'll stop somewhere get you some clothes and buy some Chimichangas, okay?" He adds.

"What the hell are Chimichangas?" She grumbles.

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