My Journey (3/6) [An X-Men Imagine]

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Y/N followed Logan, Professor X, Storm and Piotr inside the school. Y/N wasn't at all mesmerized like most students were. She is the President's daughter after all. As she looks around, the students stand on stairs and watch her.

"Damn," this one student says, catching Y/N's attention.

The student winks at her and she rolls her eyes at him. Piotr merely stares at the student and the student shifts uncomfortably under his gaze.

The student mumbles sorry before Piotr motions Y/N to follow the Professor and the others. She shook her head no, she wanted to wait for him because he was the only one she even remotely trusted in that place.

Piotr takes off his shirt, revealing his muscular and well sculpted body. He puts his shirt on her small frame and Y/N watches as the shirt ends passed her knees. Her eyes trail up his body until she meets his gaze.

"Thanks," She says.

"No problem,"

They continue to gaze at each other until a girl student says:

"If they get together... they could totally be the hottest couple ever."

Piotr motions for Y/N to walk in front and she complies. He does this out of a sense of protection he has over her. After all, he did made her a promise that he would protect her, and he tends on keeping that promise.

They meet Professor X, Logan and Storm in Professor's office. Logan raises an eyebrow at the fact that one moment she was in her bra and underwear, and the next she has a shirt on and Piotr is shirtless. Storm notices this too and exchanges a look with Logan.

"We have some questions to ask you, but you are more than welcome to take a shower first." Professor says.

"I'll show you where it is, follow me." Storm says.

Y/N looks at her hesitantly and Storm gives her a warm smile. She finally follows her out of the room and Piotr watches as she leaves.

"So... you have a thing for the new girl, huh?" Logan asks Piotr.

"I just promised her that I would protect her. And I keep my promises." Piotr defends.

"Oh, so that's the reason why you gave her your shirt? To protect her from the boys or to prevent the boys from looking at her because you already claimed her?" Logan asks.

"I barely even know her," Piotr says.

"That doesn't mean that you can't be attracted to her," Logan says.

"I'll better put on a shirt before I head back to class," Piotr says before leaving the room.

Logan and Professor look at each other before saying in unison:

"He likes her,"

Y/N's P.O.V.:
Storm leads me to the shower and hands me a fresh pair of clothes.

"Thank you," I say.

"My pleasure,"

"You can meet us back at Professor's office once you're finished. We'll ask you a couple questions regarding where you came from, then we'll give you a tour of the place. Sound good?" She says.

I nod and with that, she closes the door behind her after the left. I take off Piotr's shirt and stare down at it with a smile.

I don't know what it is about him that makes me feel... warm and safe. Perhaps it's the fact that he is tall and buff and in every way intimidating, yet he acts gentle and kind.

I snap out of it and strip off the little clothing I had. I turn on the shower before I jump in. I sigh as the hot water pounded against my tense back muscles. I lean my head back and close my eyes as the water weighed my hair down. I aimlessly grab the shampoo and begin massaging it against my scalp.


Once I spend about twenty minutes freshening myself up, I walk back to the Professor's office like Storm told me to do. I slowly approached the doorway where I saw a lion looking creature with blue fur, but it was able to stand and talk like a normal person. I softly gasp with shock before I hide behind the wall.

I turn my ear towards the door to hear what they were saying.

"Class 5 huh?" The blue furred creature asks.

"Yes, that's what I feel from her. We have to give her tested to confirm. But if she is as strong as I think she is. With training and prepping, she could definitely become an X-Man." Professor says.

"Hello Y/N," He says to me telepathically.

"Who is that?" I ask in my mind.

"This is Henry McCoy, also known as Beast. He's harmless, you have nothing to worry about." He says.

"Well he doesn't look it," I say.

"Now, Y/N. You shouldn't judge a book by its cover. He's a mutant, just like you. We're all family bonded by our lives as a mutant. You'll meet all types of mutants, here at Xavier's School for Gifted Yungsters." He says.

"You can come out," He adds.

I peek over the corner to see him staring at me with a small smile. He motions for me to come in and when I slowly step out from behind the wall, I hear a deep, male voice say:


I nearly jump out of my skin but luckily, I didn't scream. I merely turn around and feel a slight burning in my palms. The person grabs both of my wrists before I could do anything. I look up to meet Piotr's gaze.

"Hi," I say.

We would both in close proximity of each other, but neither of us moved. His grip on my wrists were slight but tight enough that I couldn't get away. Which I didn't really have a problem with considering who he was.

"Piotr, would you mind letting go of her? We have some matters to discuss." Professor X says.

Piotr loosens his grip and I slide my hands out of his. We both look to Professor's office, where Storm, Logan, Jean, Scott and Henry all look at us.

I walk into the room where Henry stood and gave me his hand to shake.

"Hi! I'm Henry McCoy, I've heard many good things about you." He says.

I look at his hand and glance to Piotr. He gives me a subtle signaling that it's okay. I take Hank's hand and give it a firm shake.

"Nice handshake you got there. You can definitely excel in the marketing business." He compliments.

"Thanks," I say, pulling away.

I press my elbow against my hand as I stand there.

"On with the questions, then." Professor X states.

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