Sired (2/2)

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Francis' P.O.V.:
"Keep me posted when you find anything pinpointing his location." I say to Angel Dust

I take off my jacket and opened the doors to my bedroom, hoping to see Katrina waiting for me.

"Now... where were we?" I say with a small smirk plastered on my lips.

But instead the room is empty and Katrina's clothes are still here.

"Princess?" I call as I check the bathroom.

"Princess?!" I say slightly louder.

I turn my room up side down looking for her until I notice something white in the corner of my eye. I turn to see a note written in blood and pinned to the door by a dagger. It read:

"I got her, bitch. Come and find me."

I clench my jaw as I rip the note off of the door.

"Francis! Francis!" Angel Dust calls as she runs into my room.

"Wade.. he-"

"Was here, I know." I finish.

"And he has my Princess," I add, holding up the note.

"I want you spending every minute of every hour searching for her. And don't you dare think about talking to me if you haven't found her yet." I say.

"But Francis-"

I pull the dagger from the door and pushed her into a wall before pressing it to her throat.

"I want my Princess, and I want her now. And you will do whatever it takes to search for her, no fuss. Is that understood?" I say threateningly.

"Yes sir." She complies.

"Good, now get out of my sight."

I pull away from her and she scurries out of the room. I sulk over to the window and fold one arm over my stomach to use as a platform for my elbow. I press my lips against my knuckles and huff in anger as I see my Princess chained to the floor, suffering from whatever that sadistic fucker Wade thinks of.

No one hurts my Princess. No one.

Y/N's P.O.V.:
I sit criss cross on the dining room table as Wade makes more Chimichangas in the kitchen.

"Wait, he calls you princess?" Wade says in between laughs.

I see tears of laughter trail down his malformed cheeks and roll my eyes.

"Why is it so hard for you to believe that Francis is actually a good guy?" I ask before taking a bite of my Chimichanga.

Wade was right, this is amazing.

"Um.. have you seen my face? It looks like a raisin and peach fucked and shat me out. And who's responsible for this? Your 'boyfriend'." He says.

"You are such an exaggerator; but I'm sure that Francis will fix whatever he did to your face." I say.

"Ha! If you think that you can seduce him into helping me, then you would be sucking his dick for twelve hours straight- maybe more than twelve hours. If that's the case then I strongly got recommend drinking a lot of water to soothe your throat." He jokes.

I set the Chimichanga on fire and throw it at him out of spite. He catches and bite into anyway.

"You're crazy." I say shaking my head.

"You're a lot cooler than I thought you would be, you know, as Francis' girlfriend and all."

"Was that your way of asking me if I want to be your friend?" I ask.

"So you speak Deadpool, huh?" He teases.

"Apparently so," I say.

And suddenly, I felt a tug on my chest; the same tug I felt when I got sired to Francis...



Wade and Francis finally set up a meeting where they both agreed on fixing Wade's face. Wade says goodbye to me before he leaves to go back to his house and I felt a longing for him. Not a sexual longing, but a longing for his presence and attention.

Francis calls for me from his office and I meet him there. I close the door after I walk in and he taps his lap, signaling me to sit on it. I straddle his lap and his hands rest on my thighs.

"I've missed you, my Princess." He says as he leaves kisses down my throat.

"I missed you too, Francis." I admit.

He stops kissing my neck and looks up at me in confusion.

"Is there something wrong, babe?"  He asks.

I spend a moment to think before I say:

"I think I'm sired to Wade."

"You're what?"

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