Johnny Storm (A Fantastic Four Story) [4/6]*

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I scoff and push him away from me. When I try to walk away, he pulls me closer to him and cups my cheeks as our lips collide with one another's. My back runs into another countertop and he lifts my legs around his waist as our lips continue to move in sync.

His tongue darts across the inner part of my lips and he mindlessly walks me into his bedroom. He kicks the door closed and locks it before setting me down on the bed. He lifts my shirt over my head and slowly sends kisses down my toned stomach. He unbuckles my shorts and kisses down my thighs as he pulls the shorts off.

As much as this shouldn't be happening, his lips feel so good against my skin right now. He parts my legs with his knee and leaves wet kisses down my neck.

My core throbs against his leg as he gently glide his leg along it. He stops his movements to pull off his own shirt. He then pulls off his own shorts and lifts me up so that I am sitting in his lap. He sits up and holds me as his tongue caresses my own.

I wrap my arms around his neck as I sit up further in his lap. He slides his hands into my underwear and grabs handfuls of my ass. I unbuckle my bra and throw it across the room before sealing my lips back onto his.


He tightens his grip on our intertwined hands as we comes down from our third peak. He pecks my lips one last time before rolling off of me and the first thing I do is hug the covers over my frame. He sighs with content as he sits up on his elbows.

"That was.." He trails off.

"Amazing," He says at the same time that I say "A mistake,"

"A mistake?" He repeats.

"Yes, Johnny. That was a mistake. This was my moment of weakness." I say, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed.

"I'd hardly call you weak after that," He say.

"That is precisely the reason why we can never be together," I say.

"Why are you so serious? Let yourself have fun for once," He says.

"Fun? I'd hardly call sleeping with my best friends little brother fun." I contradict.

"Well when you put it like that.." he trails off.

I scoff and put on my bra and underwear.

"Okay, okay, wait." Johnny says.

"Explain to me why we can't be together," he adds as he gets in the way of me and the door.

"Because I refuse to fall for another egotistical, masogynistic playboy. Guys like you aren't meant for women like me."  I say.

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"It means that you -and guys like you -are so materialistic. You guys don't care about anything else beside, women, sex and money." I say.

"And don't you dare say that I'm wrong," I add.

"Okay, you're not; but I can change, Y/N." He says.

"That's literally something every playboy says. And I know better than to try to change guys like you, because guys like you don't want to change." I explain.

"You are and will always be a playboy. You  will always be searching for more power and more everything that you want. Me? I just want a man that I can trust and settle down to have kids with. You can't give that to me." I add.

"And what if I can?"

"You can't. I've known you since high school, Johnny. I should know you by now." I say.

I pull my shirt and shorts back on and say:

"You're a good guy, Johnny. You're just not the guy for me."

With that, I left his room without a single glance.


"Y/N! You might want to see this!" Susan calls from the living room.

I walk out of my room nonchalantly and make my way to the living room. I look on the TV screen to see that Johnny is at some sort of motorbike tournament and he is talking about us as the Fantastic Five.

"What should we call him?" The spokeswoman asks as a picture of Reed.

"That is Mister Fantastic," Johnny answers.

"Eh, I've been called worse," Reed says.

"And her," she asks as a picture of Susan come on the screen.

"That's the Invisible Girl,"

"Girl?" Susan repeats, taken aback at Johnny's poor choice of words.

"Okay, and what should we call that thing?" She asks, a picture of Ben showing on the screen.

"That's just it, 'the Thing'." Johnny say, making the girls behind them laugh.

"Okay, now I'm going to kill him." Ben says through gritted teeth.

I roll my eyes and when the spokeswoman asks about what they should call me, his face falls. His jaw clenches with thought and he glance into the camera as if he knows that I am watching.

"Well, she is a heartbreaker. We'll call her that until we find a better name for her." He says.

"Ooo, heartbreaker huh? Any relation to your heart being broken by her?" The spokeswoman.

He glances into the camera once again.

Don't you dare, Johnny.

"Nope, she's just too hot for her own good. Next question?" He says, changing the subject.

Good choice.

"We have to get over there before he says anything else stupid," Susan says.

"Too late," Ben states.

We all grab our coats before taking a taxi to where Johnny was.

Johnny walks out of the tournament with one girl on each arm- ask expected from a playboy. Once he sees me, he pulls them closer to him. I roll my eyes at his pettiness and Susan says:

"Johnny, what the hell were you thinking giving us names!"

"I didn't think it was such a big deal, Susan. Calm down." He says.

"'Calm down'? 'Calm down', Johnny? Sometimes I wonder if you even think at all, Johnny." Susan snaps.

Ben throws a ball of what used to look like a car, at Johnny. Johnny's mouth gapes open and he whines at his crumbled car. Ben then throws the license plate at Johnny's forehead.

Ben approaches Johnny whilst cracking his knuckles.

Oh shit.

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