Chapter 3

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"Welcome one, welcome all to this week's Quidditch match I'm your commentator Lee Jordan now who wants to introduce the teams?" He says and everyone gets real excited except the slytherin's of course. "First up we have Gryffindor!" Everyone starts making even more noise if possible. "Go Gryffindor!" Is just one of the many chants I hear. "Next up we have the slippery scum-USE APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE MR. JORDAN!" McGonagall yells. "And now we have Slytherin!" He says so unenthusiastically. The slytherin's start an uproar and we just sit there quietly. "Madame Hooch steps off the field and she blows the whistle let the match begin. Great pass from Katie Bell to Angelina Johnson she shoots, SHE SCORES! 10 points to Gryffindor !" He yells. We erupt into huge cheers for the Gryffindor team. "There's a great hit of the bludger from Fred Weasley. There goes Angelina passing the quaffle to Katie as Angelina goes down between Flint, and Pucey. There Katie goes earning ten more points for Gryffindor. There goes number seven Harry Potter has his eyes on the snitch he's reaching and uh oh his brooms going haywire." Jordan says and I turn to grab Hagrid's binoculars my eyes wonder over to the Professors section and see Snape uttering something under his breath. "That slimy git is drinking his broom!" I tell them and Hermione sneaks away to stop him. After a few minutes  his broom stops and he continues flying by now Wood, Angelina, and Katie are already down and Fred and George are still hitting the bludger. "Come on Harry you got it.'' I say under my breath. "HE DID IT HARRY POTTER DID IT HE CAUGHT THE SNITCH GRYFFINDOR WHENS IN YOUR FACE YOU LITTLE SCUMBAGS!" Lee Jordan yells and I laugh. "He won Hermione!" I hug Hermione as she comes back over to us. I turn and see the Weasley twins smiling and high fiving each other. We won against Slytherin.

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