Chapter 25

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"Do you have everything?" My dad asks and I nod. "Yes dad I have everything I promise can I go now?" I ask and he nods. "Firefly, I love you." He says and I smile. "Love you too. I have to go bye." I say and he smiles. "Come on Sammy you don't want to miss the train." Remus says and I nod.
The Hogwarts Express

"Cedric!" I yell as I'm managing my way through people. Which is hard when their all outside of the compartments. "Yes?" He asks. "What happened at the Quidditch World Cup I heard something about an attack?" I ask. "There was an attack they don't know who though." He says. "Did everyone make it out okay then?" I ask and he nods. "SAM!" Harry yells. "I'll be right there." I say and turn to leave. "Yes? Who won the cup?" I ask and Ron frowns. "Ireland won." Hermione says and I smile. "Are you okay?" I ask Ron and he reluctantly nods his head. "I wish could've came but I was busy." I say as someone walks by the compartment. "How is he?" Harry asks. "He's doing good." I tell him. "Of course he has his little... what did he call you, oh that's right Firefly, he has his little Firefly back." Harry says and I slap him. I feel someone behind me and jump. "Hello beautiful!" George smiles at me and I laugh as he raises his eyebrows. "You weirdo what do you want?" I ask and he shrugs. "Nothing." Fred interrupts. "Just dreaming of you all summer long, like he does every summer when he can't see you." Fred jokes and I laugh as they leave the compartment and I see a flash. "Collin please don't with the pictures this year, or the next time you lose your camera you won't want to find it." I state and he takes one more before leaving. "I think George likes you." Hermione says and I roll my eyes playfully. "I honestly doubt it trust me." I say and Ron shrugs. "I don't know about that."
He says.
Fourth Year
"Hello Luna." I say as I'm walking past the Ravenclaw table. "Hello Samantha." She smiles dreamily. "Attention you will realize that this year Hogwarts will play host to the legendary Triwizard Tournament. The tournament consists of three deadly tasks that push you to the edge of your mental capacity. But you must be informed in being chosen you stand alone and this contest is most certainly not for the faint hearted." He says and Fred and George stare "Wicked!" They say causing me to roll my eyes. "Also in doing this we play host to two schools Durmstrang and their headmaster Igor Karkaroff ." He says and the huge group of male students come in. "And the beautiful young ladies of Beaubaxton and the Headmistress Madame Maxime." He says and a group of young ladies dressed appropriately in blue come in. "Here to explain more about the competition is Mr. Bartemius Crouch Sr." Dumbledore says and everyone claps. "This is dangerous and due to the past of this event we will not accept anyone under the age of seventeen into the event." Students begin booing but Dumbledore silences them. "Those who wish to join will put their name in the Goblet of Fire and we will draw next Thursday to find out which brave souls have been chosen for the three tasks." He states.
Putting The Names In
3 Day's Later
"This is bloody awesome." Ron says and I shake my head. "It's ignorant these challenges are lethal. Honestly people could die in these tasks." I tell him and Hermione nods. "It can be quite dangerous for and undertrained wizard such as ourselves to enter anyways." I say. "That's why I'm entering." Cedric says as he walks by and I laugh. "You guys know Cedric I presume?" I ask and they nod. "How'd you two meet?" Harry asks. "I've known him since second year." I tell them and he turns back to the Goblet with his friends and enters his name. Then comes Viktor Krum one of the Durmstrang boys and he can't take his eyes off of Hermione. He enters his name and even after he leaves his eyes follow her. "He has a crush on a certain Gryffindor girl." I whisper referring to her and she rolls her eyes. "He was looking at you." She says and I laugh. "He was not but even if he was I wouldn't go out with him." I tell her and she smirks. "You mean a certain red haired prankster?" She asks and I roll my eyes again. "We did it!" We hear and turn to see Fred and George running in with two vials full of a blue liquid. "What did you do?" I ask and they smile. "We invented an aging potion to allow us to enter." They say and I start messing with my apple I'm holding. "It's not going to work." Hermione closes her book as Fred and George sit on both sides of her. "And why not?" Fred asks. "Because this is an age line and Dumbledore drew the line." She says and they shrug. "So?" George asks. "So Dumbledore couldn't possibly fooled by something as dimwitted as an aging potion." She says. "That's it, it's incredibly dimwitted." George says and they stand up drinking the potion. "Wait for it." I say when they make it through the line and I bite my apple. As they put their names in they're blasted out of the circle as old men. "Called it!" I say high fiving Hermione. Then a beaubaxton girl comes in and a few more people I don't know put their names in.
The Pulling of the Names

"Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore announces to everyone as he is the first champion. "Fleur Delacour." Comes next and I'm not surprised she is the only one from Beaubaxton to enter. "Viktor Krum!" Comes next and I clap as he looks at Hermione again. Oddly enough a fourth piece comes out. "Harry Potter!" Dumbledore says and Harry looks up confused and by the way he looks at me he is scared of my expression. "That is the end of the name drawing the tournament has begun." Dumbledore says calmly and everyone leaves going back to the dormitories in their houses whereas I go through the door the competitors did. "HARRY JAMES POTTER! WHAT IN THE NAME OF BLOODY MERLIN WERE YOU THINKING?'' I yell causing him to step back. "I didn't Sam, I promise." He says and I slightly get calmer. "I'm going to sleep." I tell him and leave.

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