Chapter 27

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"The Yule Ball is a celebration put on by the host school, and I expect the house of Godric Gryffindor to be on their best behavior. There is a very simple dance, that is typically done called the waltz. Mr. Weasley come here please." McGonagall says and Ron's face is flushed with embarrassment at this. "Grab my waist Mr. Weasley." She says and Ron reluctantly does as she begins moving Ron follows in her movements. Fred and George stand behind Harry swaying back and forth at this laughing. George looks up and winks at me causing me to smile. Harry motions behind him for them to lean down. "Never going to let him live this down are you?" They shake their heads. "Never!" They say and I laugh feeling bad for Ron for the next twenty years. "Everyone grab a partner." McGonagall says and Harry grabs my hand. "May I?" He asks and I look at Fred and George who are still swaying back and forth which just makes me laugh harder. "Of course you can." I say and he puts his hand on my waist and my arm on his shoulder, and he interlocks our other hand. We begin moving back and forth to the music not romantically though that would be disgusting. "Do you mind if I cut in?" Fred asks and Harry shakes his head. "Hi Fred." I smile and he smiles. "Hi Sam." He responds and spins me in a circle letting go of my hand where George catches me. "I got you, goodness gracious can't stand on your own two feet can you?" He jokes and I shake my head. "Thanks Fred." George says and spins me around swaying back and forth. He smiles looking at me and I smile too.
Snape's Study Hall

"We need dates Harry." Ron says to him and Hermione rolls her eyes I'm sitting with Angelina and Katie. Fred crumbles up a paper ball. "Who are you two going with?" Ron asks and Fred throws the ball at Angelina who turns and glares. He smiles and does a weird dance thing but it got the message across that he wants to go with her to the Yule Ball and she giggles causing Snape to look up. "Bloody git." Ron says and I laugh. "You'll live." I say and he mocks me. "Say Hermione your a girl would you want to maybe?" He trails off and Hermione closes her book. "I've been asked already and I said yes." She says leaving. I continue working until a little paper bird flys towards me. I look up to see George and he nods to it for me to open it which I do.

What do you say Beautiful? The ball, you and me?

It says and I blush looking up at him when he does the weird dance thing that Fred did and I smile nodding. "Tonight before we go back to the common room we need dates." Harry says and Snape shoves their faces back in their books.
The Yule Ball

____________________________________The Yule Ball

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"What do you think?" I ask and Hermione smiles. "I love it." She says and I nod smiling at her dress. "You too." I say causing her to smile when we make our way down to the room where it is we walk down the stairs and George looks up at us directly at me. "Wow!" Him and Fred say in unison as I walk down the stairs. "You look very handsome." I say. "Stop flirting with me your here with George." Fred jokes and George and I laugh. "You two don't have to much fun tonight." He says and turns back to Angelina. "What do you say?" He asks referring to everyone dancing. "I've never really danced before." I say and he takes my hand pulling me out on the dance floor where everyone is slow dancing. He places my hand on his shoulder and his hand on my waist. "Look your natural." He says as we begin dancing he spins me around once or twice. "You look quite beautiful truthfully, I mean I'm beautifuler. " He says causing me to laugh. "Yes I can't argue with logic you look very handsome all dressed up." I say and he smiles as we continue dancing. I notice Harry sitting alone and I excuse myself. "Hey." I say walking up to him and Ron. "How's your date with George?" He asks and I think to myself is this a date? "Try interacting with people." I say and they shoo me away. "George is this a date?" I ask and he thinks. "We did kiss twice. I did ask you to the Yule Ball. Yes when I asked you the intentions were as a date. Would you have said No if you knew?" He asks and I shake my head. "I would never say No." I respond and Fred fake vomits as him and Angelina walk over to us. "It's cute Fred calm down." Angelina says. "About time everyone's known you liked each other since second year." She adds and I laugh nodding.

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