Chapter 58

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2 Months After Malfoy Manor
(After Gringotts)

"I can't believe that Goblin tricked us." I say as we climb out of the water my baby bump just big enough to notice. Hermione estimates I'm about four months now.

I am so pissed at those goblins I could scream. "I can't believe you actually did that." Ron says. "Did what?" I ask. "You helped Hermione tame a freaking dragon while almost five months pregnant." He says and I smile.

"You underestimate her." Harry says and Hermione nods her head in agreement.

Anyways, change into these, they're all we have left with us so make good use of them." She says and hands me mine. I have to stretch them out just a little bit.

"Pst..." I hear and notice a small hut. "You four come here." The others look up and we see a man resembling Dumbledore, and we recognize him as Aberforth.

"You four ain't got any business roaming around out there, especially you that scar on your forehead is your death warrant." He tells Harry.

"You lot must be hungry aye?" He asks passing around a sandwich to everyone.

"No thank you." I tell him and he nods. "Here drink this it helps with sickness it's safe for the child I promise." He says and I drink it.

Him and Harry begin a conversation soon after they finish eating. I look around and stand up noticing a mirror, I walk over to it and slide my hand along the edge recognizing it.

"This was my dad's, Mundungus sold it to you didn't he?" I ask and Aberforth nods. "Ah Ariana there you are. He is? Right now? For them?" He has a conversation with the portrait of his sister.

"We have company." Abetforth says as footsteps get closer. "Did someone need help?" I look up to see Neville and he looks at me weird.

"Bloody hell what happened to you?" Neville asks. "Pregnancy is there something wrong with me?" I ask glaring and he shakes his head.

"Come on this leads us back." He says as Hermione, Ron, and Harry climb in then he helps me up.

After walking for what feels like an hour we reach the other end.

"Hey guess what I found?" Neville says when he steps out and the other three follow him. "Harry!" I recognize Ginny's voice.

"What's new?" Ginny asks and I know Harry's smirking. He walks back over to help me out from behind the painting.

I step out catching my breath and she covers her mouth in shock. "You and George are going have a baby?" She asks and I nod.

 "You and George are going have a baby?" She asks and I nod

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"Oh my gosh Sam." She says and smiles.

"I hate to cut this short but we need your help finding something. It's a horcrux and we have to destroy it." I tell them.

"What is it?" Neville asks. "I have no idea." Harry tells him. "Looks, size any clues." Neville asks. "It's an artifact think of Hogwarts related." I tell him.

"Not much of a clue huh?" Seamus asks. "The lost diadem of Ravenclaw?" Luna says and Cho shakes her head. "Maybe but it's been missing for ages." She says. "No one has been able to find it." Cho says. "When you think about it it's perfect isn't it?" I ask as Snapes voice comes over the intercom.

"ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS ARE TO REPORT TO THE GREAT HALL AT THIS VERY MOMENT!" We hear and everyone changes into their robes whereas Ginny let's me borrow hers.

We begin walking and Harry slips in between Ginny and I. "Attention it seems Harry Potter has been spotted in Hogsmeade anyone student or staff who knows the location of Potter is to report it to me or they're equally guilty. If you have any knowledge of this I urge you step forward." He says and Harry looks at me and I nod as he steps out.

"How dare you stand where he stood a man who trusted you, tell them how you looked him in the eye and killed him." Harry says and Snape points his wand at him so I step out holding mine towards Snape and everyone gasps about me holding a wand to a professor and the other thing.

McGonagall steps in front of us and the door opens to reveal the order which includes George. I feel my nerves kick in.

McGonagall and Snape engage in a battle causing him to run out like a coward. McGonagall smiles returning light to the room.

I turn a little and see George looking at me. I run and jump into his arms hugging him. "Hi!" He says holding on tight.

"Be careful George." Fred says, he must've noticed my stomach. George looks at me weird then I step back where he notices my stomach. "You're..?" He starts and I nod he picks me up hugging me tighter, and kissing me when he sets me down. I turn to Fred and he smiles. "I'm going to be an uncle. You two are going to name the baby after me right?" Fred asks.

"Sure Fred." I tell him and he hugs me. "Make sure you tell Mom about my godson." He says and George kisses my forehead.

"Mom!" He says and Mrs. Weasley comes over. "I'm going to be a dad." He says and Mrs. Weasley smiles hugging me. "I knew this day would come sooner rather than later." She says smiling.

"Remus?" I say hugging him. "Does Teddy have lucanthropy?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Nope." He smiles and I hug him. "Soon he is going to have friend to play with." I tell him and he looks down at my stomach.

"George!" He says and George walks up to him. I thought Remus was going to slug him but he just shakes his hand.
"Treat her right okay?" Remus asks and George nods kissing my forehead. "I love you Sammy. Sirius would be proud." Remus tells me and I hug him. "I love you too and thank you." I tell him.

"Sam!" Harry yells and I look up. "Let's end a war." He says and I nod kissing George one more time.

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