Chapter 5

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"You'll get caught no one gets into the restricted section. Trust me I've tried." I tell Harry, and Ron as I sit down at there table. "Did you hear any of that?" Ron asks and I shake my head. "Of course not, just that you two want into the restricted section of the library, and it's impossible during hours McGonagall will yell, Sprout would tell you no, good luck with Flitwick, Snape will try to get you expelled, and Dumbledore would never allow it. Anyways Madame Pince wouldn't dare sneak you in. Did Hermione go home for Christmas?" I ask and Harry nods. "Oh great. If you two do anything stupid I swear I will I murder you ." I tell them and they nod knowing what will happen. I decide to walk around the castle and look around making sure to steer clear of the third corridor. "Hello Sir. Nicholas how are you doing?" I ask and he smiles. "Particularly well thank you for asking and you?" He asks. "I'm doing great thank you for asking. Is anyone on the Quidditch field?" I ask and he shakes his head. "No ma'am I do not believe so." He says. "Thank you Sir. Nicholas have a nice day." I tell him and he smiles. "You as well!" He says and floats off. I make my way through the remaining corridor's and the big oak doors out to the quidditch field when I get there I just look around imagining what it might be like flying high above the ground on a broom. I wonder if my mom played Quidditch, or was she more of a study bug? I am neither only my mom nor my dad I am a combination of both genes but from what Remus had told me I'm more of my dad. I love both of them though.

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