Chapter 43

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Tick tock, tick tock the clock says slowly ticking while we are taking our final ordinary wizarding level exam the Defense Against The Dark Arts one. Umbridge is sitting up front in her throne like chair staring directly at me glaring. Boom! A huge noise comes from outside and everyone stops testing to listen. Umbridge stands up and makes her way to the door. When she opens it nothing happens then Fred and George come flying in on their brooms causing our test booklets to fly into the air. "Get her Georgie." Fred tells and George reaches down grabbing my hand throwing me behind him and I wrap my arms around his back. "I love you. We're leaving today but I'll see you over the break, and Christmas and Hogsmeade trips." He says but this isn't anything I didn't already know. "I love you too George do what you have to do your still my weirdo we'll make it work." I smile and he nods turning his head kissing me. He slowly slides me off the broom. "Take care of her you three." He tells Hermione, Ron and Harry  He throws fireworks up in the air and Fred does the same. One heads after Crabbe, one after Goyle, and one after Malfoy. Then the biggest one a dragon like the ones from the tales of Chinese New Years and it goes after Umbridge knocking off every educational degree passed as it explodes above her. "Peeves! Give her hell for us." Fred says and for the first time Peeves obeys someone. They fly out and everyone runs outside realizing they put a portable swamp in a corridor. As they leave everyone cheers and a big W is shown in the sky as they fly off. "Harry whats wrong?" I ask when he falls. "Sirius is in trouble!" He says and my heart drops as Hermione and Ron make their way over. "Are you sure?" I ask and he nods. "We need to go now." I say.
"We need to go by floo." Harry says as we make our way up the staircase. "Has it occurred to you  Voldemort is only hurting Sirius to get you to retrieve the prophecy?" Hermione asks and I look at Harry. "So I'm not just going to sit there and watch him get hurt." He tells her. "The only floo network not being monitored is Umbridge's and we can get in her office easily." I tell him revealing my pocket knife. "It can unlock anything." I tell them and we make our way to her office. "Kreacher where is Sirius?" Harry asks as I lock the door back. "Master Black is a foul man who broke his poor mothers heart, he has gone out hopefully never returning." Kreacher says
"He is in trouble Kreacher." I tell him. "That makes four of you." We hear and turn to see Umbridge. "Damn it the bitch is back." I whisper. "Black I am repeatedly getting on to you, almost as if you want me to expel you?" She says and Malfoy grabs me by the hair. I notice Neville being held by Goyle. "Caught him trying to help the red head girl" Goyle says. "Bastard's." I say and Umbridge looks up. "Alright your not talking what if I do something to her?" She asks Harry looking at me. "Don't Harry." I tell him. "I see you two like brother and sister always there for each other. Let's see how the cruciatis curse works shall we?" She says and I stand up straight as she points her wand at me. "Crucio!" She says and hits me with it in the chest with the curse. I bite my lip keeping from screaming out it pain but I wipe my mouth and notice something red on my hand I bit my lip to hard. "Fine your turn." She drops her arm and I fall to my knees coughing up blood. "Tell her Harry, tell her where it is." Hermione says and I realize what she's doing. "Don't I can handle this I've handled worse, don't tell her we're not suppose to. She can't know about the weapon." I say and Hermione smiles. "Dumbledore's secret weapon, I can take you to it if you want?" Hermione says and Umbridge nods. "You come to Potter, boys watch these bafoons." Umbridge says as the three of them leave. Ron looks at me and I pull out a piece of actual candy sneaking a piece to him. I have a pocket of puking pestels that might come in handy. "So Ginny how's Michael?" I ask and she smiles. "He's starting to get a bit annoying, how about you and George?" She asks and Luna joins in as well as Ron. "I caught them snogging in a corridor." He says shuttering. "A mischievous thing love is? Coming and going." She says and I nod. "Ron has never snogged anyone except for our Aunt Muriel." Ginny says and I laugh. "Seriously?" I ask laughing and she nods. "You know I could go for some sweets." Ron says and I smile okay here you go." I say trying to hand him the puking pestels but the Slytherin grab them. "The red ends the worst." I say and that's the end they bite into. They let go and I snatch the wands as we leave. "Oh and Malfoy you and your perfect family go burn in hell." I tell him.

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