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19 Years Later
"Teddy there's Victorie." I smile waving at her and she smiles back happily. "Sis stop!" He says and I shake my head. "Remus isn't here to embarrass so its my job." I tell him and he laughs running over to her with his stuff. "Fred? Where are you?" I ask looking around. "He's not Fred I am." I hear and turn to see them. "Honestly woman you call yourself my mother." Him and George joke. "I carried you around for an extra month, I'm your mother whether you believe so or not." I tell him and he nods. "Yes ma'am." He says. "Roxanne sweetheart are you excited, you get to go to Hogsmeade?" George asks and she nods. "Yes daddy very excited." She says always has been a daddy's girl, but Fred is a momma's boy. The two of them are running around but our little four month old Alex, the newest edition  is rocking back and forth in my arms. While her twin brother Adam is sitting peacefully in George's arms. "The next one of y'all to step on my toe is in grave danger." I tell then and they nod. We had two miscarriages after Roxanne until we had the twins so George and I made a promise after my body recovers from twins and their a bit older then we will consider one more addition. "Wow Samantha Black?" I hear and turn to see Draco Malfoy who smiles. "I heard your undersecretary to Granger at the ministry." He says and I shake my head. "I've given up on that I'm helping George and Ron at the joke shop." I tell him. "You must be Scorpius? I'm your cousin Sam." I tell him and he blushes trying to hide it. "Sam!" I look up to see Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione with their children. "Aunt Sammy!" Lily yells. "Hey lilybug." I say kissing her forehead. "Mom, Teddy's to busy snogging Victorie to talk to me." James says walking over here and I clear my throat. "So he's living with y'all now?" Harry asks and I nod. "Andromeda was having health issues so I took him in until she is better." I tell him. "Is that my little Alex?" Ginny asks taking her from me and I nod. "I unfreeze my grandmother on a rare occasion that Alex and Adam might teach her some manners." I tell him and he nods. "It's time to go children give your mother a kiss." George says and the kids give me a kiss each then George steps behind them for a kiss from me. "Bye Mom, bye Daddy." Roxanne yells. "Bye Dad, bye Mom." Fred says and as they climb on the train I feel tears falling. "Love you do this every time they leave for a new year." George says wrapping an arm around me. "It just feels like the end of something." I tell him. "Or it's just the beginning of the new chapter of our lives." He tells me and wipes away my tears. "Always." He says and I smile. "And forever." I say as we watch the train begin to leave.

       The End

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