Chapter 30

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"We go tonight, we need Potter here." Moody says and I smile. "I want to help." I say and Dad looks at me smiling. "If Sirius approves then I have little right to disagree." He says. "Sammy! This is dangerous you could get hurt, Sirius I'm going out on a limb saying this but think cautiously about what you choose." Remus says and Dad looks as if he is thinking. "She believes she's ready Remus, what the hell! What's life without a little risk. She is also with the most skilled aurors." He says and Remus looks at me. "I'm coming, I want to help." He says and I smile. "You have to be careful not to use any spells though the ministry will know." Dad says and I nod. "What are we waiting for. We need a way to take care of those muggles." He says and everyone starts arguing over ideas whereas I get up and go to the phone. "Excuse me is this Vernon and Petunia Dursley?" I ask and the person on the phone grunts. "Who wants to know?" He asks and I think of an excuse. "Congratulations you've won best kept suburban yard in Little Whinging please come to uptown London for your award let me give you the address." I say giving him a random address.   "Thank you very much for keeping such a nice yard. Good afternoon." I say hanging up. I walk back in the room and sit down clearing my throat causing everyone to look up at me. "The Dursleys will be gone soon it's been taken care of." I say and they raise their eyebrows. "That's my girl." Sirius says, Remus puts his head in his hands, and Mad Eye clears his throat. "We leave in ten minutes." He says and everyone going nods.  "Sam dear you want to stay warm." Mrs. Weasley says wrapping my scarf around my neck and I put my jacket on.
4 Privet Drive
"Guess who?" I say when the door opens to Harry's room. "She's not the only one who came." Mr. Weasley says stepping into the light. "We have to go now." I say looking at the time on my watch. "Grab your broom, I am flying." I tell him and he nods picking it up and we walk outside into the open. I step over one side and Harry does the same. "Ready?" I ask and he nods as I push the broom at top speed. After a few more minutes of up, down, zigzag we make it to the apartment complex hiding 12 Grimmauld Place. "Home Sweet Home." I say as Mad Eye uses a spell to move the buildings apart.  "You have wandering eyes." I tell Tonks referring to Remus we've been talking all summer her and I, about how she likes him. "Shut it Black." She says shoving me and I laugh. "Ah Harry darling how are you?" Mrs Weasley asks and Harry smiles. "A bit peaky but I'm afraid dinner will have to wait. No buts either head upstairs to the first door on the right Hermione and Ron are there waiting." She says and he walks upstairs she points for me to go to and I gladly comply. "Harry." Hermione says wrapping him in a hug. "How long have you been here?" He asks and Hermione looks down. "A few weeks." She says "I've been stuck at Privet Drive all summer, I might be getting kicked out of Hogwarts and you couldn't write me?" He yells causing Fred and George to apparate into the room. "Let it out Harry we don't think people in Little Whinging heard you." Fred says and smiles at him. "I wish we knew what was going on." He says and George smiles. "No don't you bring out those bloody extendable ears." I tell him. "You two have driven Hermione and me mad with those things all summer." I say and Harry looks confused. "We can't have a conversation without those things popping up near us because these two want to spy." I say and everyone laughs. George grabs me and pulls me down beside him. "I love you all to death though." I add and they smile. "Fine use the bloody ears." I say as we all walk out to the stairs dropping the bottom half by the door listening.  "If anyone has a right to know, it's Harry. If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't even know Voldemort was back. He's not a child, Molly!" My dad says. "He's not a adult either. He's not James, Sirius." Mrs. Weasely responds. "He's not your son!" My dad adds and I know Mrs. Weasley is frustrated. "He's as good as. Besides who else has he got?" She asks. "He has me." Dad says. "You have a daughter to care for as well in case you have forgotten." She adds and I never thought about it like that, I never felt left out. "How touching and paternal, Black. Perhaps Potter will grow up to be a felon, just like his godfather. Perhaps even your daughter or worse turn out like her mother." Snape says. "She hadn't told anyone of her marriage we were together right before and when she told me she had already been married to her husband. She gave me Sam and never thought twice about it." Dad says and everyone looks at me. I can't hear any more of this. I run up to the room I've stayed in since we came home after third year and lock the door. So my mother didn't want me, I've always though she was a great person very sweet and very kind.
Sirius's P.O.V

"Harry Potter!" I say and Arthur and Molly move out the way. Harry comes over to me and I engulf him in a hug looking around but I do not see my Firefly. "Where's Firefly?" I ask and he gestures upstairs and I make my way up immediately. "Firefly?" I knock on the door because it is locked. "Go away please." She says.
Sam's P.O.V
"What happened?" He asks as I open the door. "Tell me the truth about Mom. I want to know what happened." I tell him and he reluctantly nods sitting beside me. "Your mother was beautiful a very smart, very kind woman as far as people knew. Over time I grew to love her and but she was already arranged into marriage. Before she was married we you know. But she was married soon after  and we went our separate ways. Nine months later you were dropped off at my apartment I had at the time and I automatically knew you would be the best thing that could happen to me. I decided to name you Samantha, tests had proven you were mine and Marlene's. She didn't want a child at least not my child anymore you weren't a loveless  baby though I truly loved her and she felt the same. But after you were born things changed she had truly fallen in love with her husband and forgotten about you she had a family of her own, only to be slaughtered during the war." He says and I know I'm crying. "You are the greatest dad in the world." I say hugging him. I don't even truly care about what he said I just wanted to know. "I'm going to lie down, I love you." I say and he smiles. "I love you too." He smiles closing the door and I lay down falling asleep.

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