Chapter 57

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2 Days Later

"I have multiple reasons to hate this family." Ron says and I look at him funny.

"We're not all bad you know? Tonks, my father, myself, Andromeda, even Draco is not that bad sometimes." I tell him and he looks at me funny this time. "Draco? Not bad?" He says and I roll my eyes.

I feel nauseated and lean over throwing up for the millionth time in the past two days.

"Sam are you okay?" Harry asks pulling my hair back and I shrug. "It's been happening for a month now and I don't understand why." I tell him.

"Last time Dobby had seen this Mistress Malfoy was pregnant with Draco Malfoy." Dobby says appearing out of nowhere. "That's not possible is it?" I ask him and he nods.

"I don't know have you and George done anything?" Ron asks me. "No..." I tell them. Ron's expression changes. "Now I think I'm the one who's going to vomit." He tells me and I roll my eyes.

"Dobby will find out but he must rescue Harry Potter and friends first." He says. "Dobby take Luna and Ollivander first please?" Harry asks.

"Take them to one of the Order safehouses, Bill and Fleur's home." He says and the rest he whispers. "I hope Hermione's ok-AHHH!" I wince unable to imagine that pain.

"Sam!" I return my attention to Harry and realize that Wormtail is laying on the floor, he must've knocked him out.

"Come on." Ron says and I stand up quickly following them upstairs.

Harry charges at Draco grabbing our wands. "STUPEFY!" Ron yells looking at Hermione's limp body.

"Crucio!" Bellatrix yells at me but I dodge her curse. "Sam!" Harry yells and I look up in time to catch my wand.

"Hermione!" I yell pulling her back over to us. "ENOUGH! ITS OVER!" Bellatrix yells smirking while holding her wand at us. Then the chandelier falls almost hitting her.

"You stupid house elf you could have killed me." She yells as Dobby apparates beside me. "Dobby never meant to kill, only mame or seriously injure." He says and I have to hold back a laugh.

"No one shall harm Harry Potter and friends." He says snapping his fingers causing Narcissa to lose her wand to him.

"How dare you defy your master you stupid elf." Bellatrix yells. "Dobby has no master. DOBBY IS A FREE ELF!" He yells and we all link hands apparating away.

When we land we're standing on the beach.

"Harry Potter bring Sam Black to me." I look up and see Dobby with Bellatrix's knife in his stomach.

I walk over to him grabbing his hand.  "She's here Dobby." Harry says and Dobby presses his hand to my stomach.

"A very healthy baby." Dobby says holding my hand in his to feel my stomach. There's a small thumping noise like a tiny thump.

"A heartbeat that means I'm... Harry!" I say and he nods. Dobby drops his hand from my stomach and completely lets go of my other hand.

He died. "We should close his eyes." Luna says closing them. "I want to bury him without using m-magic." Harry stutters and Luna nods.
*After Burying Dobby*

After a few minutes we have him buried with a headstone that says. "Here lies Dobby a free elf."

I feel my stomach churning again and run over to the side of the sandhill. I don't throw up instead I sit down looking out at the water.

I hear footsteps as someone walks over to me. "So your pregnant?" Ron asks sitting beside me and I nod.

"George's?" He asks and I laugh. "Of course who else?" I ask and he smiles. "I am happy for you." He says and I hug him. "How do you feel? You must be nervous." He tells me and I shake my head.

"The only thing I'm nervous about is George. What if he isn't happy? I mean he just built a stable life after Hogwarts, my head tells me to be worried, but my heart tells me to be happy George and I will be parents together, meaning we survive this war." I tell him and he chuckles.

"You know, given everything going on with the war, I never thought I'd live to see the day that Samantha Black doubts herself. George will be ecstatic." He says and I smile.

"I'm pregnant, I'm having a baby." I say and he nods. "Come on everyone else headed up to the house and judging by how much you've thrown up you need something to eat." He says and I nod as he helps me stand up.

"Hey, look who showed up." Bill says hugging me then patting Ron on the back.

"Sam?" Fleur asks running into the room and pulls me into a hug squeezing the life out of me.

"Careful... Can't breathe." I manage to get out. "Be careful you'll hurt the baby." Harry says.

Bill stops in his tracks and Fleur let's go of me. "The what?" Bill asks. "The baby." I start. " I just found out but George and I, we're kind of pregnant." I tell them.

They're frozen for a minute but then Fleur begins jumping up and down in excitement and Bill pulls me into a hug.

"Congratulations! Welcome to the family, have you told him?" Bill asks and I shake my head.

"Not yet but I will I promise, he might realize when my stomach begins to grow." I say and he laughs.

"Well I'm excited to have a niece or nephew." He tells me smiling.

"They're going to be a beautiful baby Sam." She tells me hugging me again.

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