Chapter 19

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"Remus what are you looking at?" I ask walking down the stairs to find him reading the paper. "It's nothing, just the Daily Prophet." He tells me which makes me suspicious. "Okay have you signed my Hogsmeade letter yet?" I ask him. "I actually feel it would be in your best interest not to go to Hogsmeade, at least not this year at this moment." He says and I stare at him confused. "Remus I never ask you for anything, all of my friends are going to Hogsmeade. Please?" I ask. "I'm sorry Sammy my final answer is no." He says and I nod. "I understand Remus I'm going to go ahead and finish packing, please tell me when I have to leave for the train." I say going upstairs and resume packing my trunk with important things such as quills, parchment and more. "Sammy?I'd forgotten to tell you I'm going to Hogwarts again but as a Professor." Remus tells me and I smile. "We should be leaving for the train soon." He adds and I nod grabbing my trunk and dragging it downstairs.
At King's Cross Station

"Get on the train soon please I don't want it leaving you behind." Remus says and climbs on. "Hello!'' someone says and I jump turning to see Fred and George. "Oh my gosh what in the bloody hell is wrong with you two?" I ask and they shrug. "Many things." They say and hug me George staying there longer. "I missed you weirdo." I tell him causing him to laugh. "Harry!" I yell tackling him hugging him. "Bloody hell just like a sister." Ron says and Hermione nods laughing. "Come on, to the train we go." I say climbing on as Harry and the others follow. "This one's the only one left but there is only three seats." Ron says. "I'm going to sit with Fred and George anyways." I say referring to the fact Remus is asleep. I walk off trying to find Fred and George when I come across their compartment I slide in. "Can I sit with you guys please?" I ask and Fred smiles nodding. "Of course you can." He says and I sit down beside George. We sit in silence for a few minutes until the train comes to an abrupt stop. "What's happening?" I ask and George grabs my hand. "Probably just the boogyman sneaking on the train." Fred jokes and I laugh seeing something out the compartment door. "It's Dementors their on the train why are they on the train?" I ask and before Fred can say something the door opens and everything goes quiet as the hooded figure looks around the compartment finally deciding to leave. After a little while longer the lights come back on and the train returns to it's state of movement. George drops his hand letting go of mine. I hear footsteps and look out the compartment to see Remus walking by. "I'll be right back." I tell the twins standing up and leaving the compartment. "Remus!" I says and he turns around. "I was looking for you Sammy are you okay?" He asks and I nod. "I want to know what is going on though?" I say and he sighs. "I can't tell you about it not now at least. I hate keeping stuff from you trust me." He says and walks off. "It sure doesn't seem like it." I say as he leaves from my eyesight.
Beginning of Term Feast

"Welcome students to another year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We have added a new addition to our staff, please welcome Professor Lupin who so gladly agreed to take on the post as Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher. Also it is important that you know the Dementors of Azkaban have taken up post at Hogwarts until such a point that Sirius Black had been captured." I look up at the Professor table staring at Remus who just looks away. That must have been what was in the paper the reason I wasn't allowed to read it all summer. My dad escaped Azkaban. I look back down at my plate of food but don't eat anymore. "I need to talk to you." I look up at Remus who has left the professors table. "Fine!" I stand up and walk out of the Great Hall. "Sammy, Sam I'm sorry I should've told you I admit it was a bad idea not to tell you." He says and I realize what he was doing. "It's okay just promise me you won't keep anymore secrets from me?" I say and he nods. "I promise."

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