Chapter 11

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"Good morning class." Lockhart says flashing us a smile most of the girls literally swoon over him. "Let me introduce you to your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Me Gilderoy Lockhart, order of Merlin third class, honorary member of The Dark Arts Defense League. And five time winner of witches weekly best smile." He says and I snort not pig like though. "Excuse me sir but what point are you proving?" I ask and he smiles bigger. "Enough about me for now." He says ignoring me. "Be warned I am here to arm you against the foulest creatures of the wizarding kind." He says and I lean over to Harry. "I think it's teaching us." Harry laughs. "You may be facing your worst fears in this room but let it be known that no harm can come to you while I am here but I must ask you not scream it might prevoke them." He says taking the sheet off of a cage to reveal a group of pixies. I slightly laugh. "Pixies are you serious?" I ask laughing until the genius teacher releases the untamed pixies into the classroom. The second they are released everything turns to chaos as the pixies attack everyone and everything. One makes a turn straight to my stuff pulling out an old photograph completely tearing it to shreds. "No!" I yell going to pick up the shreds. The picture was one I drew of my dad

Remus told me about him and I decided to draw him from an old photograph

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Remus told me about him and I decided to draw him from an old photograph. "That's it. IMMOBULUS!" I yell and they freeze. I walk over to the picture and pick up the pieces that make his face look broken. "Repairo!" I say but nothing happens. "Repairo!" I repeat but still nothing happens. "Come on let's go back to the common room." I tell them throwing the scraps of the picture in the garbage can leaving the classroom.

"Good morning everyone." Professor Sprout says and some students mumble a greeting back. "Welcome to Herbology today we will be repotting mandrakes, can anyone tell me the purpose of a mandrakes?" She asks and Hermione's hand shoots up. "It is used to return someone to their normal state after being petrified its also quite dangerous its cry can be fatal to anyone who hears it." She says and Professor Sprout smiles. "Excellent Ms. Granger." She says and we continue on with our lesson. "Everyone place the earmuffs over your ears and then pull the mandrakes out of the pot." She says and I quickly follow her instructions. When I pull the mandrake out it looks like a little ugly mud covered baby. After class everyone was kind of weirded out by the mandrakes that we skipped lunch.

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