Chapter 64

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1 Month Past The Due Date

"I don't know mom she is a month late and I'm not sure she would want to come." George says over the telephone I had teach him how to use. "Honey?" George asks and I look up from my book. "Yeah?" I ask. "Do you want to go to the Burrow everyone is going for lunch today and mum wants to know if we want to come?" He asks and I nod. "I've been stuck in the house for a month now, going somewhere sounds fun." I tell him and stand up. "I'm going to get dressed." I tell him. "We'll be there before then mum." He tells her through the telephone and then hanging it up. "You know I love you right?" He asks and I nod. "Quite a bit." He adds and I smile. "I'll grab the bag." He tells me. "Yep I want them out soon." I tell him pointing to my stomach. "They just loves Mommy alot." George tells me kissing my stomach. I make my way into our room picking out the only outfit I own that fits a ten month pregnant woman.

"You know even ten months pregnant your still beautiful

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"You know even ten months pregnant your still beautiful." George says in the doorway and I smile. "Are we apparating or driving?" I ask him. "Driving we have precious cargo remember?" He asks and I nod. "I'm only the one who has been carrying it for ten months." I tell him and he laughs at my mood swing. "Come on love lets go." He tells me helping me out of Number twelve Grimmauld place to the car. He starts the car and we begin down the road. My hands sitting on the console and he moves his to where its covering mine. "Honestly, you look very beautiful just as much as you did before you were pregnant or as the day I met. But if I must say so there was one way in particular I liked seeing you." He says winking at me. "George." I slap his arm and he laughs. "Ow!" He smiles "Sam?" He asks. "Hum?" I ask looking up. "If it's a boy what's his middle name going to be?" He asks me and I think about it for a minute deciding. "Remus?" I ask and he smiles. "Perfect!" He says and we drive the rest of the way in silence.
"Mrs. Weasley!" I say hugging her and she smiles. "Sweetheart look at you still as beautiful as ever." She tells me and I smile. "Fleur." I say hugging her as best as could being pregnant and her as well. "Come on I want to show you something." She tells me and I look at George who smiles nodding going in and sitting with Bill. I follow Fleur to where she is leading me. "Watch this." She says tapping her stomach and a little foot pops out against the skin moving back in. "Look at this." I tell her raising my dress to where two little footprints are
visible. "Healers said it should go away eventually." I tell her and she smiles. "Fleur, Sam lunch is done." Mrs. Weasley calls and we run downstairs. "That was quick." Bill and George look at us weird. Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Harry, and Charlie just laugh. "Well we are pregnant, have you seen the way you two eat. Basically pigs." Fleur says and I laugh as we sit at the table and the food begins being passed around, I get this strange pain in my stomach. It begins getting worse and making me even more uncomfortable as I squirm around then I feel it dripping down my leg, my water broke. George places his hand on my upper thigh and I guess feels it because he looks up at me and I nod. "Guys we have an emergency." He says and everyone looks up. "What type of emergency?" Harry asks. "A ten month emergency." He says and everyone looks at me and I nod. "Now!" I say and Fleur grabs my hand and I squeeze hers so hard it turns blue. "We have to hurry." George says and apparates away. "How did I know that would happen?" I say and breathe. "My bad." He says coming back grabbing my hand and everyone else apparating to St. Mungos along with us. When we get there they lay me on a gurney and wheel me to a room in the back of the hospital. "We need to do this now!" A healer says and I nod. "Now is the ideal TIME!" I yell and they nod. "Sam we're having a baby." George says and I nod. "Okay Samantha is it? We need you to push okay?" The healer says and I nod pushing holding on to George's hand. "That's great we can see the head. Just a few more." The doctor says. "Is it to late for a C-section?" I ask and the healer laughs along with the nurses. "A good sense of humor I see." He says and I continue pushing. "One more." He says and I push one more time when the baby finally came out. "It's a boy." George says and I smile. "Fred Remus Weasley." I say. "The second." He adds and I nod. The healer hands the baby over to me smiling. I look down as he opens his eyes for the first time to see their blue but his hair is a bright red color. "Why am I not surprised his hair is red?" I ask and George shrugs. "Can I hold him?" George asks and I pass the baby off to him. "You have your mommy's pretty eyes don't you Fred?" George says and the baby wraps his hand around George's finger. "Can I pass you off to mom while I go get Grandma?" George asks him, he hands him to me kissing me on the head then leaving. After a few minutes everyone starts filling in the room. "Oh my goodness." Mrs. Weasley says as I pass the baby off to her and he makes his way around the room and back to me. "Whats his name?" Mr. Weasley asks and I smile at George who has the biggest grin. "Fred Remus Weasley II." He tells them and Mrs. Weasley smiles tears feeling her eyes. "Time to start on number two." George says and I glare at him. "More? Already? Give me about three years." I tell him and he laughs. "Family photo." The healer says. "What are y'all doing?" I ask Mrs. Weasley. "Get in the photo all of you it is called a family photo for a reason." I say and everyone smiles gathering together.

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