Chapter 46

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The Day Before 6th Year
"Step up, don't be shy we have puking pestels, fainting fancies, and just in time for school fainting fancies." Fred and George announce. "Sam look, it's a pygmy puff their so cute." Ginny says and I look at them smiling. "Their adorable, wait a minute where is Hermione?" I ask and we look around finding her looking at some type of potion. "Wow how are they doing all this?" She asks and I laugh. "Their Fred and George how wouldn't they be able to do this?" I ask she nods picking up a bottle. "What are these?" Ginny asks. "Well based on the pink, color and designs they're love potions." I tell her and she rolls her eyes. "Great two Hermione's." She says and Hermione laughs. "On occasion I am allowed to know the answer to something I hope you know."  I say and Ginny rolls her eyes. "Hello ladies, love potions aye?" Fred and George ask. "You don't need a potion because you've already put a spell on my heart." George tells me and the girls get all mushy while Fred fake vomits. I roll my eyes as George tries to kiss me, missing but still kissing my cheek. "They really do work, but the way we hear it sis you're doing just fine on your own." Fred continues. "Meaning?" She asks and they smile. "Are you or are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?" They ask and I look behind Ginny at Harry who is staring at her waiting for her to answer. "That's none of your business." She says and I notice George slipped his hand around my waist. I feel myself turn red. "Want to help out Sam?" Fred asks. "Huh?" I ask and he smiles. "You were our original partner in crime, besides Lee but you're a natural at pranking could use a little bit of training though." He says and I roll my eyes. "Its in my genes what can I say. What are you two going to do today?" I turn to ask Ginny and Hermione but Ginny's disappeared. "Have fun Sam!" Hermione says and disappears to. "I take that as a yes?" George asks. "Sam we got to go, someone is going somewhere." Harry says referring to Malfoy. He's been superstitious all summer that Malfoy is a death eater. So now we're basically stalking him. Harry I'm going to stay here, you guys go." I tell him and he nods. "Okay I'll see you later." He says and I nod.

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