Chapter 9

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2 1/2 months later
"Remus I have to get my stuff, my Hogwarts list came." I tell him looking over the list. "Lockhart? That stuck up, self absorbed boggart is a teacher?" I ask and he looks at the list. "I suppose so according to the list. Also do you know what a boggart is?" He asks and I nod. "Of course I do a boggart is  a shape shifter that usually lurks in dark spaces. It has no definite form, taking the shape of that which is most feared by the person who encounters it." I tell him and he nods. "Yes so why do you call Lockhart a boggart?" He asks and I smirk. "Because my worst nightmare is having to meet him." I say causing Remus to laugh. "Here take a handful." He says handing me the floo powder I put a little bit in my pocket and step into the fire place throwing some down. "Diagon Alley!" I yell and the fireplace sucks me into it. I fall out when I reach Diagon Alley. "Sometimes I hate that stuff." I tell Remus when he comes through next. "What is going on in their?" I ask pointing to Flourish and Blotts. "Your favorite professor is having a book signing." He jokes and bites off a piece of chocolate. "Let's go in there last." I tell him and he nods. "Try to stay out of trouble this year?" He asks and I nod
''But you said it yourself I'm my father's daughter." I tell him and he laughs. "Okay you take half the list and I'll take the other half." He says and I nod running off towards Flourish and Blotts. I walk in only to be greeted by the screams of obsessed witches. "Bloody hell pipe down." I tell a girl screaming about Gilderoy Lockhart. I notice a flash of familiar red hair and run towards it. "Ron!" I yell and he turns around smiling. I run up towards him where his whole family is. "What's going on here?" I ask gesturing towards Harry standing by Lockhart. "Hello Mrs. Weasley it's nice to see you again., Hello!" I say to a girl who looks like Ron kind of. "Samantha dear this is Ginny she's our youngest. Of course you know everyone else but this is My husband Arthur." She says and I shake his hand. "Hey what about us?" Fred and George say and I laugh hugging the both of them. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley go to find the rest of the supplies leaving us to catch up.
"Hermione!" I say hugging her and smiling. "Sam!" Harry says and I turn to hug him. "Hello young lady." I turn to see Lockhart extending his hand. "I'm Gilderoy Lockhart." He says smiling his platinum teeth exposed. "I'm Samantha." I tell him shaking his hand. "I suppose I'll be teaching you this year?" He asks and I nod. "Here is all the books you'll need." He tells me handing me a stack and they almost fall over but Harry catches them I open my bag to put them in. "There is no way they will all fit in there." He says and I smile putting them in my bag. Hermione stares at it in amazement. "It is a charmed bag I can fit everything in it " I tell her and she smiles. "Maybe Harry should get one, that way he'll stop borrowing our school stuff." I tell her and she laughs. He just smiles. "I suppose you've read all of my books?" He asks and I shake my head. "No!" I tell him and he turns around leaving. "Bet you loved that Potter can't even go to a book signing without making the front page?" Malfoy says. "Leave him alone." Ginny steps forward and Draco smirks. "See you got yourself a girlfriend Potter." He smirks and his father uses his cane to push him out of the way.
"Ah Mr. Potter we finally meet I'm Lucius Malfoy." He says and stares at his scar. "Forgive me but your scar is legendary such as the wizard who gave it to you."he says. "Voldemort killed my parents, he was nothing more than a murderer." Harry says. "You dare speak his name you must be very brave or very foolish?" Lucius asks "The fear of a name only reflects the fear of a person and Harry does not fear him." Hermione says causing Lucius to turn to Her. "Ms Granger I presume? Draco's told me about you specifically your parentage. Muggles right?" He asks "Let me see red hair, vacant expressions second handbooks you're all Weasley's." He adds then turns to me. "Samantha Black I presume? How is your mother?" He asks smirking at me. "As if you wouldn't know you bloody prat." I tell him. "What about your father? How is he?" He asks. "Ask your best friends that question. Oh wait but you can't can you? Because there somewhere you should have been sent along time ago." I sneer at him. "Children I think we best be going." Mr. Weasley says and I go to leave. "Where are you going?" Harry asks. "I have what I need I better be going. I'll see you at school tomorrow." I tell him and continue walking out.

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