Chapter 45

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"Ouch, I'll feel that in the morning." Ron says when we land. I hear a noise that strangely enough sounds like whispering. "Do you hear that? The voices?" Harry asks and Hermione looks at him strangely. "There aren't any voices." Hermione says and Luna looks at her weird. "I hear them too." She says and I nod. "So do I." I tell them. "Get behind me." Harry says but it's to late. Death Eaters fly down grabbing all of us except for Harry. I feel a wand to my throat and turn to see Antonin Dolohov holding it. "Give me the prophecy boy or your friends die." Lucius says and I glare. "Don't do it Harry." I yell. "Shut it you blood traitor." Dolohov says and I spit on his foot. "Don't Harry!" Neville yells but Harry hands it to Lucius who smiles until a big flash of light comes from the veil in the center of the room. "Get away from my godson." My father says punching Lucius. Suddenly the veil starts flickering extremely fast. "Get away from my Sammy you bloody jerk." Remus tells Dolohov. "STUPEFY!" He says and Dolohov flies backwards. "Be careful." He says and I notice a death eater trying to hit Hermione. "STUPEFY!" I yell from behind sending him flying away from Hermione and I. "Nice one James!" I hear my dad say and look over to see Harry stop fighting and my father who blasts Lucius away. "Dad!" I yell and he looks at me smiling. "Firefly." He says. "Avada Kedavra." I hear and see a flash of green light hit my father. "Dad? DAD?" I yell and feel someone put their hand on my shoulder and look up to see Kingsley. "DADDY NO!" I yell as he goes through the veil. I try to run but Kingsley grabs me. "What are you doing? I could save him someone save him he's not dead, he can't be dead let me go Kingsley." I yell and notice Harry run out I release myself from Kingsley's grip on me and run towards the veil. "STUPEFY!" I yell as Remus tries to grab me. Tonks grabs a hold of me from behind. "Sam, SAM! He's gone there's nothing we can do." She yells and I shake my head. "I just got a father, I can't lose him already, he's my dad." I yell through tears. "He's not your only father you've always had Remus." She says. "No, he isn't my father, my father went through that veil. I lost the only father I've ever had." I yell at the top of my lungs. "Sam!" Tonks says and I turn to see Remus. He looks upset as if he might cry as well but not because of my dad. "Samantha don't you do it!" He says and I run as quick as I can in the direction Harry went. "Let go of me Remus please." I say and he shakes his head. "I'm here for you, do you not get that. No matter what you say your like the daughter I've never had." He says and my frustration boils over. "DON'T YOU GET IT? YOU'RE NOT MY FATHER YOU NEVER HAVE BEEN REMUS, I DON'T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU RIGHT NOW." I yell and he holds me tighter apparating away. "Where are we?" I ask him and he shrugs tears in his eyes. "The middle of nowhere. Scream, yell, fight, kick, and whatever. But listen afterwards." He says and I look around. "I don't blame him." I say and he looks at me weird. "Who?" He asks. "Harry at least not entirely." I say. "I blame my dad he had to come, he knew it was dangerous, in more ways then one and he came anyways." I tell him and he shakes his head. "Don't." He says. "Firefly up at night, flying high through the sky. It's body lit very bright, paves your way through the night. Raise your wings up high and fly away into the night. Just remember when you get cold, the place where your heart is, is always your home." I tell him and he smiles. "Did you mean what you said? You don't want me here? In your life, that I was never a father to you?" Remus asks and I shake my head tears beginning to fall again. "I just miss him already Remus, I've never felt this way before, you've always been my father even when my father was here, you're always a father figure to me Remus." I tell him and for the first time in a long time he hugs me. "I should be going." I say and he raises his eyebrows. "I'm going to be gone a few weeks this summer." I tell him and he shakes his head. "Mad Eye is probably already on it, looking for Sirius's... Body. You need to talk to George and tell him." He says and I nod. "But first go back to school I'll write Dumbledore telling hi-NO I'M GOING TO FINISH THE YEAR!" I tell him and he nods. "Padfoot, and Prongs together again?" I ask and he nods smiling apparating back to the school. "I'll see you, I guess tomorrow goodbye Sammy." He says and I smile as he leaves. "Sir Nicholas!" I say walking up to him. "Samantha what might I do for you?" He asks and notices my face. "You've heard the news I presume?" He asks and I nod. "I was there." I tell him and he shakes his head. "How awful and I know what you are going to ask. No he isn't I'm sure of it, it's terrible having to go on each day not eating and even though we seem happy we're not it's dull being a ghost he's most happier wherever he is." He says and I nod.
The Next Day
"Aren't you going to eat?" Hermione asks and I shake my head. "I'm not hungry." I tell her and she nods. "I'm sorry about him Sam. It's natural to be sad about it, just remember there will be a time to be happy." She says and I nod. "Come on let's go get our stuff and head to the carriages." She says and I nod heading up the maze of staircases to our room.
We make our way downstairs to be greeted with a wave of Gryffindor's following. 
   "You know I've been thinking about something." Harry says and I smile. "Do tell." I say and he nods. "I know the power I have that Voldemort doesn't, something worth fighting for." He says as we get on the train
"Sam I heard I'm so sorry." George says wrapping his arms around me. "I'm fine and thank you. I might have lost something worth fighting for, but I have many more." I say and he smiles. "Like what?" He asks. "Love, loving someone, loving you." I say and hug him again, smiling.

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