Chapter 21

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3 1/2 months later
"Do you have your bag?" Remus asks and I nod. "Behave and have fun." He says and I nod. "Does that mean I can't have firewhiskey?" I joke and he chuckles. "Yes that means you can't have firewhiskey." He says and I smile.  "You better hurry the carriages are about to leave." He says and I nod again. "Yes sir." I say and run out the classroom.
"Look Fred she's coming after all." George says smiling and I nod.  "You could hang out with us I presume." Fred jokes and I smile. "That's fine I can always hang out with Hermione."  I tell them and George laughs. "Come on don't be like that." George grabs my hand but I turn and walk to Hermione and Ron. "Mr. Potter I'm sorry." McGonagall says. "Harry?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Go on have a good day at Hogsmeade." He says and we all nod and leave.
At Hogsmeade

The first place we go when we get there is Honeydukes the sweets shop. It has chocolate frogs, every flavor beans, and many more different kinds. "You guys have fun I'm going to go ahead and go to Zonkos." I tell them and they smile. "Okay." They say and smile as I walk out towards the famous joke shop. "Well, well, well she found her way back to us. What brings you to Zonkos?" George asks and I shrug. "I'm just looking around at the stores. I don't even need to ask you do I?" I ask and they shake their heads. "We're just looking around." Fred says and I nod. "I might just head back to the school, just walk back seems fun." I say and George nods. "Going for a walk could be fun." He says. "Then you should go for a walk with her George, not back to Hogwarts, but for a walk." Fred says and George looks at me. "What do you say to a walk?" George asks and I nod. "I suppose." I smile and he walks over to me. He steps down and I jump on his back. "This works." He says and I slide down. "I'm only kidding George." I say and he smiles. "I know." He says. "What do you want to talk about?" He asks. "How's life?" I ask and he laughs. "It's okay. You?'' he asks and I smile "It is good."He smiles laughing
"That's good." He says and I nod. "You seem weird I don't know why you just do." He says and I laugh. "I have been called weird before." I say and we continue walking. "I've seen you two pass this window twice." Fred says opening the door to Zonkos. "Yeah I'm going to head back up to the school by guys." I say. "If Hermione and Ron ask tell them  they can tell me about it later." I tell them and they nod as I start walking I make my way up the winding road toward the school.

"Sammy!" Remus says when I walk up towards him and Harry. "The trip doesn't end for another two hours what are you doing back so soon?" He asks and I shrug. "Hello Harry." I smile. "Do you two know each other?" Harry asks and I nod my head. "Yes I'm a close friend of her father's as well." Remus tells him. "He is like a father to me he is the one who raised me." I tell Harry. "Was it fun?" Remus asks and I nod. "It was interesting." I smile remembering George and I walking around. "I'm sorry you couldn't go Harry." I say and he smiles. "Tomorrow's Quidditch are you the commentator?" Harry asks and I shrug. "Depends on whether Lee wants to do it." Remus smiles and kisses my forehead.

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