Chapter 15

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"Attention all students!" Professor Snape says and we turn to give him our attention. "Due to current events Professor Dumbledore has authorized with the proceeding of the dueling club in order for you children to protect yourself." He tells us. "What time does it start?" I ask and a Slytherin girl snorts behind me. "It will begin at seven o' clock." He says and motions for us to leave. "Will you be going?" Harry asks and I nod. "Of course she is she couldn't shoot sparks out of her wand if she tried." A Slytherin girl says and I turn to look at her. "And you are?" I ask and she smirks. "I'm Pansy Parkinson, Ms. Blood Traitor just like your Father." Harry grabs my arm and pulls me away. "I do not like that brat." I tell the three of them as we walk down the hallway.  "What is the deal with your dad?" Hermione asks out of nowhere. "Let's just say everyone believes one thing about him, and I believe a different truth." I tell them and they smile. "Come on we have to go to Herbology." I tell them and we rush outside.

Dueling Club is about to start and the four of us are making our way down to the Great Hall where everyone is waiting. "Professor Snape's picking our partners good luck." Pansy says

"That little brat I swear I'm going to choke the life out of her

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"That little brat I swear I'm going to choke the life out of her." I tell him and see Cedric ahead of us and I run catching up to him. "Hey!" He says looking over at me. "What's up?" I ask and he shrugs. "Hey Cho!" I say and she smiles. "I wonder what's doing this?" She asks referring to what happened to Ms. Norris and I shrug. "All I can guess is it's not a student." I tell her. "I can't believe this is happening at least a human has not been hurt yet." I say and Cedric nods. As we walk into the Great Hall I notice the tables are all lined up waiting for whatever is about to happen. "Good evening everyone welcome to Dueling Club! Today we are going to teach you a very useful spell in case anyone attacks you." Lockhart says and Snape just stares at him weirdly. "I am in charge thank you. To demonstrate I will be practicing on Professor Lockhart." He says and they turn their backs to each other.  "Walk ten paces then turn around, only use the spell I am about to tell you. STUPEFY!" Professor Snape yells sending Lockhart backwards. "Caught me off guard didn't we Snape?" He asks and I laugh at him. "First up is Parkinson and Black.'' Snape spits out the Black part and I glare at him for adding such a hateful tone to my last name.  "Sure Snape." I add the same tone back. "Okay Samantha it's very simp- I got this professor." I but in and follow Snape's directions taking the steps required but feel something hit me and turn to see Parkinson smirking. "I have had enough of you." I say. "STUPEFY!" I yell and she flies backwards hitting the ground. "Excellent work Black." Snape says that was almost sort of a compliment. "Potter, Malfoy your up." Snape says as I step down. "Scared Potter?" Draco asks as he turns his back to Harry. After about five paces Draco turns shooting a spell in the direction of Harry and a snake lands on the floor. I freeze as it looks at me and slowly but surely slithers over towards me. Harry shouts something in Parseltounge? And the snake changes course and slithers away. "Are you okay?" He asks and I nod. "Harry how are you a parseltounge?" I ask and he shrugs. Suddenly whispers break out everywhere.

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