Chapter 20

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"Aye Sam how you be doin' ?" Hagrid asks and I smile. "As well as can be expected Hagrid." I tell him and he nods. "Please open your books to page seven!" Hagrid says and Malfoy shoves past me. "And how exactly do we do that?" He asks viciously. I stroke the spine of mine and it opens surprisingly. "Very good Sam, you stroke it of course." He says and Malfoy rolls his eyes at me but strokes the spine. "Neville!" I say and try to pull the book off of him eventually it works but it takes sometime.  "Wait until my father hears Dumbledore has this oaf teaching classes." Malfoy sneers and Harry steps forward. "Shove off Malfoy." Harry says and Malfoy looks at me. "He obviously doesn't know who your father is does he?'' Malfoy asks and I can't bring myself to fight him. "D-dementor Dementor." He says and Harry turns around real quick. "That's not funny Malfoy. "You don't have to worry about dementors do you? Since they suck out your soul." I say and everyone laughs except Slytherin. "Hagrid! Exactly what is that?" Ron asks and I look up to see a hippogriff. Growing up with someone like Remus tends to have its effects on you.  "This is Buckbeak he's a hippogriff he's part eagle part horse. Warning hippogriff's      are very proud creatures you do not want to insult a hippogriff it might be the last thing you ever do. Now who'd like to come and say Hello?" Hagrid asks and I notice everyone stepped back so I do the same thing. "Ah Harry bow nice and low." Hagrid tells him and Harry does and slowly steps forward. "Harry stay back." Hagrid says and as Harry steps back he steps on a stick and Hermione grabs Ron's wrist causing him to turn red and she lets go. Finally Buckbeak bows back and Harry slowly inches toward him finally being allowed to pet him. "Nicely done Harry, now I figure he'll let you ride him." Hagrid says and picks him up setting him on Buckbeak, and he takes off with Harry on his back. "Hagrid where on Earth did you get Buckbeak?" I ask truly wondering. "I found him brought him here and trained him, with Dumbledore's permission of course." He says and I smile. "I think your doing great." I tell him and he smiles. Finally Buckbeak brings Harry back. "Your doing great, professor." Harry tells Hagrid. "Oh give me a break, yeah your not so dangerous you ugly thing." Malfoy says. "Shove it Malfoy." I say and Buckbeak attacks him. "Buckbeak! No." I yell and he calms down. "He needs to go to the infirmary." Hermione tells Hagrid. "Laying it on a bit thick you think?" I ask Ron and he nods. "It's awful Draco's hurt." Pansy says and I roll my eyes. Hagrid picks him up and starts carrying him away.
Remus's Class

" Intriguing isn't it? Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what is inside?" Remus asks. "That's a boggart, that is." Seamus says. "Very good Mr. Finnagan. Can anyone tells me what a boggart looks like?" He asks and looks at me. "No one knows, boggart's take the shape of what a particular person fears the most." Hermione says and Ron looks up confused. "When did she get here?" He asks and I shrug.  "Luckily there is a simple charm used to repel a boggart. Does anyone know what this charm is?" He asks and looks directly at me. "The charm is Ridikulus." I say happily and he nods. "Very good, everyone repeat after me, without wands please Ridikulus." He says. "Ridikulus." We all repeat. "This class is Ridiculous." Malfoy says and I just grit my teeth ignoring him. "Mr. Longbottom please come here." Remus says. "What are you afraid of?" He asks Neville. "Professor Snape!" Neville says and Remus chuckles. "Yes I believe he is frightening at times." Remus says. "And you live with your grandmother correct?" He asks and Neville nods. Remus whispers something in Neville's and he nods again as Remus opens the cabinet. Out steps the boggart who has transferred into Professor Snape. "Ridikulus!" Neville shouts and clothes I suppose Neville's grandmother would wear appear on his body and everybody laughs. "Form a line everyone." Remus says. Padma, Ron, Seamus and a few others go until it's Harry's turn and the boggart becomes a Dementor. "No!" Remus yells stepping in front of Harry and the boggart turns into the full moon. "Ridikulus." Remus yells and it turns into a balloon. "Class dismissed." He says and everyone leaves. "Sammy." He says and I stay behind. "Yeah?" I ask and he smiles. "Do you still want to go to Hogsmeade?" He asks and I reluctantly nod. "I gave your permission slip to Dumbledore. You have to promise to stay out of trouble when there though." He says and I nod.

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