Chapter 41

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"We're going to work on the patronus charm its simple. You have to think of your happiest memory and work off of it." Harry says. "It has to be a time you were truly happy. So think hard." I tell everyone and they stand there staring. "Well lets begin." I say and they start thinking I look around and notice Cho and Marietta aren't in here. "You should practice it too." Harry says. I nod and think back to the moment I was happiest the first time I met my dad in twelve years. "Expecto Patronum." I say and a blast of light comes out the end of my wand becoming the form of a panda. "It's beautiful." Luna says. "It is known that the panda is a resourceful animal. They are good at using whatever is around them, and incredibly creative and bright. They are friendly and warm, and many may go to them for advice or help, which the panda will willingly give. They are a bit of a healer by nature, enjoying company around them and using it to enhance themselves. They love to explore many areas of knowledge and the world, trying to broaden their horizons and keep their minds open. They can be very spiritual people, but will not push their views on others, as they are comfortable with whatever a person chooses to believe." She says smiling. "That is very truthful of her." George says smiling. "Neville you have to think of your happiest thought, you have a happiest thought don't you?" I ask and he shrugs. "I'm trying, really hard." He says and I nod. "Just keep trying, everyone keep trying you'll get it." Boom! Boom!

The wall blasts open to reveal Umbridge and the inquisitorial squad along with Cho and Marietta

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The wall blasts open to reveal Umbridge and the inquisitorial squad along with Cho and Marietta. "You bloody bitch, I never trusted you, either of you, sneaking coniving little brat." I say to Marietta, who has humongous boils on her face and Cho looks down. "You two come with me." Umbridge says pointing towards Harry and I. The ministry officials were already here because Percy is standing there he walks up and grabs my arm. Fred and George step forward and George grabs my other arm. "It's fine George." I tell him and he nods letting go of my arm. As Percy pulls me and Harry away. "How could you betray your own family?" I ask Percy but he grips my arm tighter. "What have we here?" Dumbledore asks when we get to his office. "This had nothing to do with him it was us we came up with the idea Dumbledore never did anything." I tell them and they shake their heads. "That's kind of you Ms. Black but it is called Dumbledore's Army not Black's Army or Potters, therefore I take responsibility on." He says and The Minister steps forward.  "Then you shall be sentenced to Azkaban." The Minister says. "Ah you see this is where the confusion is I have no intentions of going to Azkaban." He says and Fawkes flies in and as Dumbledore grabs him they apparate away.

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