Chapter 12

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"Can you be a back up Keeper? In case I can't be at one of the games?" Oliver Wood asks me and I nod. "Yes of course." I tell him as I'm walking with the Gryffindor team to the Quidditch field. "Off the field Flint Gryffindor booked the field for today." Wood tells him and Flint just smirks. "We have permission from Snape to use the field to train our new seeker." He says. "Slytherin has a new seeker? Who?" I ask and Malfoy steps forward. "Malfoy?" Harry asks. "That's not all that's new either." Malfoy says pointing out his broom. "Did you find a brain somewhere?" I ask and Gryffindor bursts out laughing. "Wait a minute that's the Nimbus 2001 how'd you get it?" Ron asks. "Daddy bought your way onto the team did he?" I ask and Flint smirks looking at me. "You see Weasel unlike yours some families can afford the best." He says and then looks at me. "You aren't a part of that family anymore." He says. "I don't want to be a part of that Family ever again Malfoy." I tell him and Hermione steps forward. "At least no one on Gryffindor had to buy their way onto the team they got on for pure talent." She states and Malfoy sneers. "No one asked your opinion you filthy little Mudblood." He says and I go to step forward but someone puts their hand on my shoulder holding me back from beating the little twit to a pulp. "Eat slugs Malfoy." Ron says pointing his wand at Draco but it backfires hitting him. "Ron!" Harry and Hermione yell running towards him to help him as Malfoy walks by me he makes sure to hit my shoulder when he does I turn around and shove him. "Bloody git." I mumble going to help Harry and Hermione with Ron.

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