Chapter 36

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Third Person P.O.V
Professor McGonagall's sat down hard on the edge of Neville's desk. The blood drained from her face, leaving her white and pale. "This is the worst thing that woman has done yet," she said softly, staring at her quivering hands. "She's made it impossible for me to protect my charges." She swallowed hard, taking a moment to regain control. When she spoke again, she began to sound like her old self. "Might I suggest strained Essence of Murtlap? Holding one's hand in a bowl of the liquid can help take the sting away. I could have Madam Pomfrey brew some for you-" Harry interrupts her"That's alright. Hermione already made some. I've been using it after my detentions for weeks," Harry told her. "We'll survive." She nodded jerkily. "At least I now know better than to report student infractions to our 'High Inquisitor.' If this is what her form of discipline looks like, I'll instruct my fellow staff members to deal with troublemakers personally.""That would really help, Professor," said Hermione. "Nobody wants their hand sliced open because they forgot their homework." Their teacher flinched. "Right. Precisely what I meant."Hermione started but stopped. They inspected their teacher's distressed face worriedly. "You're certain you won't complain about Umbridge?" said Hermione. "Because you have to understand, it really won't help, and-" she adds but McGonagall interrupts . "I understand, Miss Granger," Professor McGonagall's said sharply. They all flinched at her tone. "A sadistic hag is torturing my students and there is nothing I can do. I understand perfectly." She stalked away without another word. The next day, she passed Peeves trying to unscrew a huge crystal chandelier in the hall. She sighed resignedly, and started call for the Bloody Barn to keep him in hand. Then she reconsidered.
"It unscrews the other way," she murmured, and smiled at Harry, Ron, Sam, and Hermione as they passed her in the hall. Sam smiled and walked up to Peeves.
"There is an even bigger chandelier in front of Umbridge's office." The girl smiled.
Sam's P.O.V

"That miserable old cow . . . power-hungry prat . . . restricting free speech . . . how dare she," Hermione muttered wildly under her breath as we sat in the common room talking. "We will never learn anything from that woman we need a real teacher." Hermione says. "Harry could do it he has more experience than all of us combined. He has the patronus charm he'd be the best choice." I state filing my nails. "She has a point you know." Ron says and I nod. "We'd be taught to protect ourselves and you do have more experience Harry your the best person to teach us." Hermione says. "You would all just go along? I'm a nutcase remember people think I'm crazy. Sam could you please stop looking at me like that I beg of you." He says and I nod. "We need to be taught and your the only one who can do it, please Harry." I state and he nods. "I'll do it but it has to be in secret." He says and I nod. "Of course we aren't all magnets for trouble. At least not Hermione and Ron. They behave fairly well." I say and he rolls his eyes at my comment. "He's really out there isn't he?" Hermione asks and Harry nods. "We need to do this." She says. "I agree." I say.

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