Chapter 38

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"Welcome everyone to the first D.A meeting, today we will actually be announcing when we're supposed to meet." Harry says and Hermione steps forward. "I've created these coins, they have no value in stores or shops but I used a charm to where when we set a date for a meeting it will heat up in your pocket alerting you when it changes as well." She says and everyone stares at her. "How are you not in Ravenclaw?" Anthony Goldstein asks and she shrugs. "The hat considered it but eventually decided on Gryffindor." She says and smiles finishing passing out the coins. "Okay well lets begin everyone form two lines we're going to practice stupefy." Harry says.
"Nigel you are up."  I tell him and he steps to the spot I was standing in. "Come on then Nigel you can do it." Harry says as Nigel raises his wand. "STUPEFY!" He yells sending Harry flying backwards along with himself. "Hermione, Ron your next." I say and Ron walks up to Hermione. "Don't worry I'll take it easy on you." Ron says and Hermione fake smiles. "Thanks Ronald." She says and I walk up to Hermione. "Good luck as if you need it." I tell her high-fiving her and making my way over to Fred and George. "One sickle." Fred says and George nods. "STUPEFY!" Hermione yells sending Ron flying through the air. "I-i let her win, it was the gentleman thing to do." He says and George hands Fred a sickle.
A Few Days Later

"Stop it!" I say as George wraps his arms around my waist and steps on the back of my feet again messing with me. "You are going to get it if you don't stop messing with me." I say as he kisses my cheek constantly and continues. "Are you two trying to get expelled?" Hermione asks and I look at her confused.
"Boys & girls are not permitted to be within 6 inches of each other. According to Umbridge's educational degree number twenty six." She points out and I roll my eyes. "She did not?" I say and Hermione nods. "Uh in Ms. Black I need to speak with you please." Umbridge says and I reluctantly nod my head walking off. "Can I offer you something to drink?" Umbridge asks and I shake my head. "No thank you I'm not interested in drinks laced with Veritaserum." I tell her and she glares. "Your smartalic child aren't you well here have some tea." She says and tries to hand me a glass of tea I take it so it seems as if I have nothing to hide. "What is that?" I ask and Umbridge looks out her window as I throw the tea into one of her plants. "I'm sorry my eyes must be playing tricks on me today I believe I saw another nargle." I say referring to some mythical creature who live in mistletoe. "Do you have connections to your father Sirius Black?" She asks and I shake my head. "Have you been involved in conspiracy against the ministry?" She asks and I shake my head again. "Have you been working with Dumbledore?" She asks and I shake my head again. "I believe you, you've given me no reason not to. You are free to go." She says and I leave.

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