Chapter 14

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"Harry? Hermione? Ron? Filch? Can someone explain what that is?" I point to the wall where Ms. Norris is
hanging beside the words Enemies of the heir...beware
On the wall.  "Did you help them or are you the one completely responsible. Worse than your father aren't you?" He sneers and I shake my head. "That thing is always trying to attack me. I don't go near that cat." I tell him and he glares. "What is going on here?" McGonagall asks. "Look at Ms. Norris, someone murdered my baby." Filch tells her and I walk up to the cat touching her. "She's not dead, she's petrified." I tell them. "Petrificus Totalus perhaps?" Hermione asks. "I don't think so Ms. Granger. What do you say Ms. Black?" She asks me. "This is definitely something stronger than Petrificus Totalus, whatever did this knew what they were doing." I tell her. "It? What do you mean it?" Filch pushes. "I mean I don't think this is a student, professors wouldn't do this, and Lockhart's to much of an airheaded ignoramus. This was something dark probably." I tell them as a crowd forms. "What were the three of you doing?" McGonagall asks Harry, Hermione, and Ron. "We went to Sir Nicholas's death day party." They say and McGonagall turns to me. "I was writing someone." I tell her and she nods showing she understands. "Take precaution students until we get to the bottom of this. Absolutely no one out after curfew." She threatens.

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