Chapter 63

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4 Months Later

"You look excited!" Ginny says and I nod. "I look alot of things these days." I tell her and Hermione places a hand on my shoulder. "Are you still having the dreams?" She asks and I shrug. "They come and they go, nothing I can't handle." I smile and Ginny shakes her head. "Do not, today of all days talk about that. You're about to get married, that is in the past." She tells me and begins working on my hair.

"Beautiful and perfect

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"Beautiful and perfect." She says finishing curling the last little piece and putting the clip in it. "Yeah perfect." I say smiling. "I'm getting married." I tell them and they nod. "My dad's not walking me down the isle though, neither is Remus." I tell them and Hermione puts her hand on my shoulder. "Sorry to interrupt but someone wanted to see his big sister before the wedding." I hear and look up to see Andromeda with Teddy. "Teddy no boys are supposed to to be back here." I joke picking him up. "Look at you all dressed up." I smile kissing his forehead multiple times. "Oh look you have lipstick marks all over your forehead." I tell him rubbing it and he smiles. "Mommy!" He says and I nod. "I wish she was here to, and Daddy." I tell him and he smiles at me. "Sissy!" He says and I smile. "Okay let's go find our seats." Andromeda tells him and he practically leaps into her arms and they walk out. "Now the dress!" Ginny says unzipping the package it came in. "I can't believe I'm going to have an actual sister." Ginny says smiling jumping around in joy. "I thought she only did that when Harry was around." Hermione says and everyone freezes. "Hermione?" I say and she smiles. "What, I have a boyfriend to even if we don't do that stuff yet?" She says. "You want to wait till marriage you know why?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Hello!" I say pointing to my stomach. "Anyways, let's put the crown on you." She says and I nod.

"Where did you find this Ginny?" I ask her, this is the one Tonks wore when she married Remus, but she shakes her head

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"Where did you find this Ginny?" I ask her, this is the one Tonks wore when she married Remus, but she shakes her head. "I did!" I look up to see Harry. "You did?" I ask and he nods. "Figured you would want a piece of them when you got married." He says and I nod hugging him. "Are you ready?" He asks and I nod quickly. "Sam you accidentally forgot your heels." Ginny says and I smile. "Yeah accidentally." I tell her and she hands them to me making me put them on.

"You're ready

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"You're ready." Harry tells me and I nod. "Always have been." I smile and he kisses my forehead like a big brother and the song begins as we begin walking.

"Wow!" George says when he see's me and I stare at him in his suit that fits him perfectly, and I mean perfect. I smile and keep my eyes on him instead of all the people staring at us about to be married. As we walk I notice Mrs. Weasley looking like she might cry. Charlie and Bill smiling because their watching their little brother about to be married and Mr. Weasley just watching simply happy because everything was set up without magic. Then there is Ron who stepped in as best man in Fred's place. We get to the end of the isle where Harry gives me one final look and I nod seeing a tear slip out his eye for the first time ever and I hug him. I look out and around noticing Remus, Fred, my father, Tonks, and my mother all smiling at me, my dad the proudest. "Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to witness the union of George Weasley and Samantha Black Lupin. As I understand you have prepared your own vows?" He asks and we nod. George beginning. "I, George Weasley, take you, Samantha Black Lupin, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part. I take you, to be my wife. Always." He says and I might cry. "I, Samantha Black Lupin take you, George Weasley for my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part. I take you, to be my husband. And Forever" I say putting the ring on his finger as he puts mine on my finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you ma-" George interrupts him pulling me in and kissing me

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"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you ma-" George interrupts him pulling me in and kissing me. "Continue kissing the bride, ladies and gentlemen Mr. And Mrs. Weasley." The preacher says but George continues kissing me. "You can stop now." Ron whispers in his ear and I smile when he lets me go. "We don't want another one  right now." He says and George nods and he puts his hands on my stomach getting down on one knee and kissing it. "I love you so much." He tells me standing back up. "I love you too." I say and he kisses me again. In this moment nothing could be better. I look out and see Harry standing by the ghosts, winking dropping a stone into the ground stomping it in so deep no one can find it I nudge George who looks up and smiles at me. "You don't see it?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Just my beautiful wife." He says and I blush a deep shade of red.

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