Chapter 4

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I do not like potions I'm not very fond of the professor and he feels the same way. "Arrogant and ignorant just like your lousy father!" I mimicked Snape as we left potions "Just because I dropped my book in my cauldron." I add. "At least it was empty!" Harry says. "I know it is in no way fair." I say and Harry looks over at me. "What was he saying when he was talking about your father?" Harry asks and I feel a weight drop in my stomach. How do I talk to him or anyone about my father. "He went to school with my father, they didn't like each other very much as a matter of fact they couldn't stand each other. So now he dislikes me." I say using every shortcut I could tell him. I didn't technically lie, I told the truth but left out a few minor details. "You don't talk about your father or mother much." He says and I nod. "My mother was a casualty of the First Wizarding War and I'm not one to talk about it." I tell him and he nods. "I understand that, not wanting to talk about what happened to your family with anyone. Do you live with an Aunt or Uncle?" He asks and I shake my head. "No I live with a friend who I guess you could say is like an uncle to me." I tell him. "What about you how's it feel to be at Hogwarts as a Quidditch champion, and famous." I ask and he smiles. We make our way to the Great Hall and sit at our table. "Ron are your eating habits are disgusting." I tell him sitting down. I feel something hit the back of my head. "Peeves I swear if you don't stop!" I say and he flies in front of me. "You know what your name means right?" He asks and I shake my head as he blows a raspberry. "Your name means noisy ghost." I tell him and he shakes his head. "Poltergeist is German for noisy ghost and right now I believe it." I say and he thinks he blows another raspberry and floats away.

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