Chapter 44

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"How did you escape?" Hermione asks. ''Told them I fancied some sweets and Sam gave me some puking pestels geniuses ate the batch." Ron says handing out the wands. "That was clever Ron." She says. "It's been known to happen." He says. "It was brilliant now how are we getting to London?" Neville asks. "Look its not that I don't appreciate everything you do but I've gotten you into enough trouble already." Harry says turning around. "Your going to rescue my father and I'm coming with you damn it Harry. Dumbledore's Army was about doing something real or was it all just words to you. My father goes on about you your my best friend and like a brother but damn it get your head out your arse and listen to what you're being told." I tell him and he turns around. "How are we getting to London?" He asks and Luna smiles. "We fly of course." She says as thestrals come down from the sky. Her and Harry try to put Ron and the others on them since they're unable to see them. "Need help?" Harry asks and I shake my head. "I never do, I can see them perfectly fine." I smile and he smiles back. As u throw one leg over the female thestral. "I know girl it'll be okay." I say and everyone looks at me weird. "It's a female thestral." I tell them as the thestral kicks off spreading it's wings. "I'm confused who have you seen die?" Luna asks and I think about it. "I've never seen anybody die truthfully but I've always been able to see them." I tell her and she smiles. "You've seen someone die." She says. "I've had a dream of someone dying, Cedric as a matter of fact, a few days before it happened." I tell her and she smiles. "That Happened." Hermione says when we get to the Ministry. It's after hours so no one is here well no one should be here. "It was amazing." I tell her and she looks at me weird. "We'll be back in an hour at most two." Harry tells them and they make their way over to a dumpster and begin eating. As we make our way inside
------------------------------------------------------ The Department Of Mysteries

"Welcome to the Department of Mysteries Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Samantha Black, Ronald Weasley, Ginerva Weasley, Neville Longbottom, and Luna Lovegood." The elevator announcer announces. We step out and look around. "This is it." Harry says and I nod as we make our way down the corridor. "That's the door." He points at a black door and we make our way towards it. "What's behind it?" Ginny asks and I stare at it. "I don't know but I am very intrigued. Let's go." I say opening the door to reveal a pitch black room. "Lumos!" I say and the end of my wand lights up as everyone does the same we move our wands around looking. "Someone's been in here already." I tell them. "Come on we have to find this prophecy." Harry says and we begin running through the shelves looking. "On ninety four, ninety five, ninety six, and ninety eight. Where's ninety seven?" He asks. "Harry it has your name on it." Neville says and we walk over to him.
S.P.T To: A P.W.B.D
The Dark Lord and (?) Harry Potter
He picks up the glass ball and a raspy voice comes out of it.
"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies ... And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not ... And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives ."
I feel a weird feeling something or someone is watching us and look up to see a man in a silver mask. "Harry!" I slap his arm and he looks up automatically pulling out his wand. The man person removes his mask to reveal Lucius Malfoy. "Samantha Black I was not expecting to find you here?" He says and I glare. "Where's Sirius?" Harry asks and Lucius smiles. "Do you not believe you saw only what the dark Lord wanted you to see?" Lucius asks. "If you do anything to us, I'll break it." Harry says and we hear an evil cackle. "He is good at negotiating Itty bitty baby... Potter." Bellatrix Lestrange says and I automatically recognize her from the Daily Prophet. "Bellatrix Lestrange." Neville says. "Neville Longbottom? How's mom and dad?" She asks. "Better now that their about to be avenged." He says bringing his wand. "Samantha Black? Sirius's daughter." She says and I go to raise my wand but Harry holds my wand down. "She's responsible for more then his parents insanity." I tell Harry and she smirks. "Let's just calm down all we won't is that prophecy. Give it to us boy." Lucius says. "Does Voldemort want it?" Harry asks. "You dare speak his name, You filthy half-blood." Bellatrix yells. "Haven't you ever wondered how it happened, why you have that scar, this prophecy explains it give it to me and we can show you." Lucius says as more death eaters show up. "Now guys. STUPEFY!" We all yell at once sending death eaters off and running in different directions. I run with Ginny, Neville with Luna, and the other three with each other. "IMMOBILUS!" I yell as a death eater reaches for Ginny. "STUPEFY!" She yells shooting the spell over my shoulder. "Nice one Gin!" I say as we continue running and fighting off death eaters reaching a door. "Guys!" I yell and everyone comes running shoving through the door. But instead of continuing solid ground we fall.

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