Chapter 49

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*Skip To Christmas at the Burrow.*
We're on the train home for the Christmas holidays and Harry is seriously annoying me. "Enough what the hell if he was a death eater but Dumbledore hires him which means he obviously trusts him, just shut the HELL up about it." I say and his and Ron's mouths fall open. "Okay but what if he made the unbreakable vow, I heard something about the unbreakable vow." Harry says and I stare at him. "The unbreakable vow, you can't break the unbreakable vow, it's unbreakable." Ron says and I roll my eyes. "The unbreakable vow was invented for weddings it has special rules there. Basically if you break the unbreakable vow, your as good as dead because you are dead." I tell him and Ron looks at me weird. "Bloody hell two Hermione's." He says and I roll my eyes. "Ginny's already pointed that out." I tell him.
The Burrow
"Welcome home." Ms Weasley says hugging all of us. "Remus is inside dear, George will be home in a little while." She says and I smile walking with Ginny to the Burrow. "Bloody bloke Ron is being right now eh?" I ask and she nods. "Doesn't even understand Hermione or how it's breaking her heart." She says and I nod. "Girls always gossiping." Remus says and I smile hugging him. "Are you Marlene or Sirius?" He asks and I shrug as he smiles. "I'm me as you have pointed out many times." I tell him smiling as he hugs me again. "So what are you two gossiping about?" He asks and I smile. " Boyfriend's." I tell him and he glares. "Are there any involved right now?" He asks and I nod. "You know about George, Remus." I tell him and he smiles. "Speaking of George." Someone says behind me and I turn to see Fred and George. George opens his arms instantly embracing me with a hug. "Uh um!" Remus clears his throat. "Calm down it's just a hug." I tell him and he walks back inside and George kisses me quickly. "Maybe a kiss." He says and I can't help but smile. "I see what I am to you." Fred says and I smile hugging him. "You're somewhat important." I joke and he smiles. "I see the lame humor is still stuck in your brain." He says. "What brain?" "Your brain." "Your brain?" "Yes." I say and he glares realizing I put the joke back on him. "Sorry, just my lame humor I guess." I tell him and he playfully rolls his eyes walking away.
Two Days Later Christmas

____________________________________Two Days Later  Christmas

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"I have one more gift for Sammy." Remus says looking at me. "I know she probably didn't want this to happen but it has to, I signed the papers this morning, you are now technically under my legal care, what is the muggle term?" He asks and I smile. "Adoption? You've adopted me, after everything I've ever said and done that upset you?" I ask and he smiles nodding. "I'll never replace Sirius but, you are officially in my custody." He says and I smile jumping up and hugging him. "I take it your happy?" He asks and I nod. "Extremely." I say and let go of him. "I should be going." He says and Tonks stands up. "I should too." She says smiling at me. "Must you both?" Mrs. Weasley asks. "The last night is always the hardest." Remus says and stops. "Whats wrong Remus?" I ask and he stares outside. CRASH! We hear and turn to see a fire coming out of the Burrow. "GINNY? HARRY?" I yell and stop when Harry runs out running through the fire surrounding us. "I killed Sirius Black, I killed Sirius Black." I hear and recognize the ear piercing voice. "BELLATRIX!" I yell running through the fire. "Samantha!" Remus yells. "You bloody witch where did you go? Come out to kill then go back into your she'll of darkness, a cowards what you are killing my father your own cousin. He never did anything wrong." I yell in tears. I look for her but eventually can't find her so I go back to everyone. "George!" I say realizing Ginny isn't there, George grabs me hugging me. "I couldn't find her that death eater got away." I tell him hugging him tighter.

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