Chapter 50

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"We have a quidditch match on my birthday and you have detention Harry?" I ask and he nods. "It's because you used that sectumsemrpa spell from that stupid potions book." I say and he nods. "Honestly Harry someone has got to be up there controlling that brain of yours." I tell him. "Maybe Dean and Ginny will get back together when they win?" He says and stops walking. "Calm down, they have broken up enough they should know when it's time to cut it off." I tell him. "Harry you knew she liked you for the longest time. Why did it never happen? Because you thought you loved Cho correct?" I ask and he nods. "That was your problem, Cho needed comfort after Cedric died and who was standing there with open arms?" I ask. "Me!" He says and I nod. "Harry think about situations before you get into them." I tell him and he stops after we just begun walking again. "This has to do with the department of mysteries doesn't it?" He asks and I stop. "No actually it doesn't, I've told you I don't blame you for that." I tell him. "I saw him there how was I to know that he really wasn't?" He asks. "Because you don't think you never do, you went there not knowing he was truly there knowing what Voldemort could do. You need to think!" I tell him. "YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT I AM THINKING RIGHT NOW? WHY DID I SAY HI TO YOU ON THAT TRAIN, WHY HAVE I SPENT THE LAST SIX YEARS OF MY LIFE BEING YOUR FRIEND, WHEN I WISH YOU NEVER BECAME MY FRIEND IN THE FIRST PLACE!" He yells and I stand there frozen when he realizes what he said. "DON'T TRY IT HARRY. YOU'RE NOT SORRY OR YOU WOULD NOT HAVE SAID THAT, BUT TO BE HONEST IT WAS YOUR FAULT. YOU HAD THE VISION, YOU THOUGHT HE WAS IN TROUBLE. ANYTIME SOMETHING IS GOING ON WITH HARRY EVERYONE TAKES TIME FROM WHAT THEIR DOING TO FIND OUT WHAT IT IS. MY OWN FATHER LOVED YOU MORE." I tell him and turn away storming off.
"Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, how are you today? Because I suck. Anyways it's the quidditch final who else is thrilled for Gryffindor's win against Ravenclaw. We have Ginny Weasley stepping in as seeker and Dean Thomas as a chaser. Here they come the house of Godric Gryffindor. He would be proud just as proud as Rowena if only she could see her house of Ravenclaw taking the field with the courage and determination to win this match against Gryffindor."
Gryffindor Common Room

"Weasley! Weasley!" Everyone yells and it begins getting a bit loud so u go outside bumping into someone. "Sam!" I hear and look up to see Harry. "What?" I ask and he sighs. "I'm sorry, listen I had no right to sound like that or say that, your my very best friend." He says and I nod hugging him. "Never be a bitch like that again though." I tell him and he nods walking in the common room and I walk down the corridor.

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