Chapter 37

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2 Weeks Later   The Hogshead

"What can I get for you?" The man behind the counter at the Hogshead asks. "Four butterbeers. Please." I say and he nods. "We could probably order anything here, I've always wanted to try firewhiskey." Ron says and Hermione trys to keep calm. "You ... Are a ... Prefect!" She says trying to breath calmly as well. "Thank you." I say when the man hands us the butterbeer. Everyone starts showing up as we gather in an area by the window. The only other person in here is hidden under a cloak. "Thank you all for coming. I'm sure you know why you are here we need a teacher, a proper teacher." Hermione says. "Why?" Zacharias Smith asks. "Because You- Know- Who is back you bumbling idiot." Ron says. "So he says." Zacharias says. "So Dumbledore says." Hermione says. "So Dumbledore says because he says." He rebuts. "If you do not shut your mouth Smith I will shut it for you." I say and everything goes quiet. "Maybe if Harry could tell us more about how Cedric died." Dean says and Harry looks over at Cho who looks mildly upset. "I'm not going to talk Cedric so if that is why your here you might as well leave." He says. "Is it true you can produce the Patronus charm?" Luna asks and everyone turns to her. "Blimey Harry I didn't know you could do that." "It's true he fought off a hundred Dementors at once." Hermione says. "He also fought the basilisk in the chamber of secrets with the sword of Gryffindor." Neville says. "And last year he really did fight You- Know- Who." I say. "When you put it like that it sounds all heroic. This isn't like school, at school if you mess up you can just try again tomorrow. Out there in the real world when your fighting for your life or trying to save a friend you don't get a second chance." He says. "So teach us." Hermione says and he nods. "Give me the quill and parchment " I tell him and Hermione hands them to me as I sign Samantha Black. on the top. Everyone forms a line and begins signing their names. "Sam has even volunteered to assist." Hermione says and I look up at her confused. "You have spent all summer with skilled aurors, you went on a rescue mission for Harry, you are doing it." Hermione says and I just nod because I don't want to argue.
Finding the Place
"Neville what it is this place?" I ask as I walk past him standing in front of a large oak door. "I have no clue, it just appeared out of no where when I walked past Crabbe and Goyle. Could it work?" He asks and I think about it. "We need to talk to Harry." I tell him and he nods as I feel a set of arms wrap around me. "What are you doing beautiful?' George asks and I shrug. "Neville found the perfect place to practice." I tell him and turn to see Neville walking back with Harry and the others. "It's the room of requirements it appears to those whose needs are important." Hermione says. "So say you were in need of a toilet?" Ron asks and I roll my eye.  "Classy Ronald but yes that is the general idea." Hermione says. "It's perfect looks like Hogwarts wants us to fight back." Harry says and I nod.

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