Chapter 40

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"What's happening?" I ask when Ginny wakes me up. "Something happened to my father, the others are in Dumbledore's office with Harry waiting we got to go." She says grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the Gryffindor dorms and through the common room all the way to Dumbledore's office. "What is going on?" I ask them when we get to the office. "Ah Ms. Black it seems as though you all are going home early for Christmas this year Mr. Weasley was attacked we will have your things sent home for you all." Dumbledore says George walks over to me clearly upset along with everyone else I open my arms and he embraces me. He knows o cars deeply about him and his family as if they were my own. "Here take this portkey and go now." Dumbledore says and everyone grabs ahold of the portkey.
At 12 Grimwauld Place

 ------------------------------------------------------At 12 Grimwauld Place

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"Here we go Daddy is home." Mrs. Weasley says and everyone smiles. "To Harry Potter without whom I would not be here. To Harry." Mr. Weasley says and everyone lifts their glass. "To Harry." We cheer. "Cheers!" Dad says I put my glass down and run to hug him smiling when he wraps his arms around me kissing the top of my forehead.
"One for Ron, Ginny, Fred, and George along with Samantha." Mrs. Weasley says and hands me a present. I open it to find a sweater with a S on it. I smile at Mrs. Weasley and hug her. "Sirius can I talk to you in private?" George asks him and he nods.
George's P.O.V
"Yes?" Sirius asks when we're finally alone. "I-i never asked you your permission to date Samantha." I say and he smiles. "I don't think I ever went to a parent about a girl I dated but yes I give you permission to date Sam she truly loves you I've seen it in her eyes but I have one question." He says and I nod for him to continue. "Do you truthfully love her? To the point you are in love with her?" He asks and I nod. "I truthfully am in love with your daughter she is undescribable, honestly I plan on marrying her one day." I tell him and he smiles again. "You most certainly have my permission." He says causing me to smile.

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