Chapter 6

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1 month later

"Mr. Filch please I wasn't doing anything wrong!" I tell him as he drags me by my robe. "I doubt that I've learned not to trust a person with the last name Black." He says as we enter McGonagall's classroom to find Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Draco? She looks up and everyone slowly turns to Filch and I. "I swear I wasn't doing anything Professor McGonagall." I say. "She was wandering the corridors." Filch tells her and McGonagall looks shocked. "The five of you will meet down by Hagrid's hut for your detention tomorrow. " She says and we nod except for Draco. "Excuse me Professor I believe I misheard you did you say five." He asks and I smirk. "No Mr. Malfoy you heard correct as Noble as your actions were you were also wandering around the castle." She says and I laugh. "Daddy can't fix this problem can he?" I say as we all walk out where neither adult can hear us. "Whatever my father will hear about this." He says and walks off. "You're bloody crazy!" Ron says and I laugh.
The Next Day.

"Stop staring." I yell at some girls as the four of us walk by. "Bloody hell." I say and continue walking toward the Great Hall taking our seats at the Gryffindor table Harry, Hermione, and Ron get many glares from everyone around us. "Stupid Malfoy should've hexed him when I had the chance." I tell them and they nod. "Post is here." Some Hufflepuff yells and a letter drops in front of me.

To: S.B
From: R.J.L

Hello Sam I miss you as well. I am doing fine. I hope your first year is going great and that you would still want to come home during break. 
Sincerely Remus.

What would he think of me getting detention? Would he be angry or disappointed? I don't know but I will tell him the truth and see how he reacts.  "Hello Beautiful!" George says sitting down beside me and Fred on the other side. "Heard you got detention? First time this year?" They ask and I reluctantly nod. "It's not so bad." Fred says. "Yeah me and Freddie get it all the time. You'll get used to it." They say and move back to their spot. "Don't take any advice they give you." Percy tells us. "Okay it's one night of detention I can handle it
I promise." I tell him. "Gosh what's the big deal." I say.

"Well that's done!" I say finishing my Transfiguration homework so I decide to go ahead and make my way down to Hagrid's hut.
"Hello Hagrid." I say seeing him outside by his fire. "Ye were suppose to walk down with Filch." He says upset clearly and I nod. "I had all of my homework done so I went ahead and made my way down here." I tell him and he smiles. "Here come the others." He says and I turn to see them. "You will be helping Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest tonight. Sorry about this Hagrid." Filch says and Hagrid picks up his crossbow sniffling. "Norbert's gone Dumbledore sent him to Romania to live in a colony." He tells us. "That's good right? He'll be with his own kind." Hermione points out. "What if he doesn't like Romania what if the other dragons are mean to him?" Hagrid asks. "Oh man up." Filch says and heads back up to the castle. "Well here's how this will work Hermione, Ron you two are with me. Sam, Malfoy, Harry you three are together." Hagrid says as we walk around only to stop and see something gleaming. "Th-thats a unicorn a dead unicorn." I say. "Scared?" Draco says and I shake my head. "That's what we're looking for. Let's split up." Hagrid says and Draco insists Hagrid's dog Fang comes with us. "Fine but he's a big wus." Hagrid points out. "Remember if you find anything red sparks, if something goes wrong green sparks." Hagrid says and walks off in a different direction. "Come on we need to start looking." I say and we begin walking after a few minutes we still haven't found anything until we come upon something as I squint I realize it is a hooded figure. Malfoy takes off running the other way and snaps something causing the figure to look up and slowly inches toward us we back up when it launches at us. All I see is it coming and a centaur jumps out knocking it over which causes it to run off. "Firenze thank you for helping these two troublemakers we'll be out of your hair now." Hagrid says "Get them out of here Hagrid the others are already unpleased with you." Firenze says and the five of us leave the forest. 
I am so sorry if this chapter is bad I'm really tired and wanted to finish writing it tonight. I promise I am giving 100% effort towards this book. Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read it because I try hard to make it enjoyable.

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