Chapter 61

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"George?" I ask looking up. Everyone was tired from the fight so we all started dosing off one by one.

"Yeah?" He asks looking down at me. "Are you okay?" I ask him and he nods but I see a tear slip out his eye. "No your not." I say seeing another tear slip out of his eye and I reach up wiping it away. "You lost your best friend George your not going to be okay for a while." I say and sit up beside him and he put his arm around me pulling me closer to him.

"What about you how are you doing Sam?" He asks and I feel a tear slip out my eye. "I'm going to be fine, after a while. I have lost both my fathers, the only mother I've ever really had, and one of my best friends." I say the last part referring to Fred.

"But we have something else to look forward to." I tell him putting a hand on my stomach, when I feel a fluttering feeling in my stomach.

"Oh my gosh!" I say and George looks at me. "What?" He asks worried. "The baby!" I say and he looks even more worried. "Baby? what's wrong with the baby?" He asks even more worried. I take his hand and place it on my stomach causing him to smile when the baby kicks under both of our touches.

"They're, they're kicking?" He says and I nod. "We're actually going to have a baby." He says and I nod hugging him.

He pulls me on to his lap holding on to my stomach. "They're happy, they're going to be happy." He tells me. "Of course they are they have you for a father." I tell him and he smiles. "And you for a mother, and great grandparents." He says and I smile.

"Should we tell them?" I ask and he nods. "Mrs. Weasley!" I say and she sits up. "What's going on?" She asks and looks at us. "The baby kicked." George tells her and she smiles placing a hand on my stomach. "They are a hyper one aren't they?" She asks and I nod.

"Guys you got to see this." Neville yells and we all stand up following in the direction he went. "Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort yells. "No!" Ginny yells and I bury my head in George's chest.

"From now on you put your faith in me. He's dead Harry Potter is dead." He says and his death eaters laugh evilly. "If anyone wishes to join my ranks you may, anyone who refuses will be treated as a traitor." Voldemort says.

"Draco, Draco come here." Lucius Malfoy says and everyone looks at Draco who reluctantly walks over to him. "Traitor!" I mutter while George holds me still.

Someone else steps forward and I look up to see Neville. "I was hoping for better I am sure we can find a place for you in my ranks. What is your name?" He asks. "Neville Longbottom and I'd like to say something." Neville tells him. "Sure we lost Harry but people die everyday Fred, Tonks, Sirius, and Remus. But their still with us in here. They didn't die in vein but you will because your evil and wrong. Harry's heart did beat for us and it still does." He says pulling the sword of Gryffindor out of the sorting hat and Harry falls out of Hagrids arms. "Impossible." Voldemort says and the rest of us charge at the death eaters. "Dolohov, I was hoping to find you." I say and pull out my wand. "You killed Remus you bastard." I yell. "STUPEFY, EXPELLIARMUS." I yell both spells missing he keeps trying to get me but can't. "Kill you and that child of yours." He says and my eye starts twitching. "Don't touch my child bastard. Expelliarmus." I yell taking his wand snapping it in half. "Now you have no wand, and I am angry with a wand. You want to continue or give up the dark arts life forever and spend the rest of your life hiding out but still alive?" I ask him. "Kill me!" He says and I shake my head pointing my wand at him. "Obliviate!" I say erasing all his memories. "Have a nice life." I tell him and turn leaving him to try to remember. I look over and see Harry and Voldemort falling. I look over to see Kreacher leading the house elves against a group of death eaters. I begin running around helping everyone with everything. "A dementor I am sick of these things. Expecto Patronum!" I say thinking of Remus. Suddenly the sun reveals itself in the sky something that has rarely happened in the past three years. Then all the death eaters disappear from sight what few remain after the battle.  Harry did it he killed Voldemort once and for all. I search until I find Kreacher needing to talk to him about something and  "Kreacher, can I ask you something?" I ask and he nods. "Do you want to be freed?" I ask. "Kreacher has thought of the possiblity, but ultimately has never been granted it. " He says and I think taking off my sock. "Here Kreacher." I tell him handing my sock to him. "Mistress has given Kreacher his freedom thank you." He says giving me a hug then apparating away.  "Sam!" I turn to see Harry. "I didn't die!" He says and I nod. "Obviously not." I say and he smiles. "I'm sorry about Remus but I have to tell you something." He says and I nod for him to continue. "In the forest, I figured out the snitch and got the resurrection stone. And my parents appeared to me, along with Sirius and Remus." He says and I freeze. "Continue please." I tell him. "Remus said that he hopes you would visit Teddy and do your part as his big sister, and Sirius hopes you have forgiven him for leaving for dying." He says and I smile. "I'm going to find George." I tell him smiling and leaving.

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