Chapter 60

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Harry's P.O.V

"I'm ready to die." I say sticking the snitch to my mouth causing it to open revealing the resurrection stone. I roll it thrice between my fingers.

"Harry." I hear and look up to see my parents, Remus, and Sirius. I reach out to touch my mom's hand but I can't feel her.

"Why are you here? All of you?" I ask. "We never left." My mother says smiling.

"Does it hurt dying?" I ask looking at Sirius and he wanly smiles. "Quicker than falling asleep." He says. "Your nearly there son." My father says.

"I'm sorry I never wanted any of you to die for me." I say looking around at them all their skin is bluish since they are not really living.

"And Remus your son, and Sirius what about Sam?" I say. "She will tell him what his mother and father died for and hopefully one day he will know we did in order to make a safer world for him to live in. And as for Sam. Let her know we are always watching over her and to keep the snogging to a minimum since we are." He says and I smile.

"Sirius?" I begin. "Let her live on knowing she will be okay that she will live and be perfectly fine without us there. Tell her I love her and I'm with her forever. Finally tell her I'm sorry, we never got as much time as I'd hoped we would." He says and I nod.

"Will you be with me when it happens?" I ask and they nod. "Always!' My mom says. "Until the very end." My father says as they disappear.

I drop the stone walking deeper into the forest to the spot where Voldemort is with his death eaters and Hagrid.

"Ah Harry Potter come to die?" He asks. "I'm here like you asked." I say and he raises his wand. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" He yells and the spell hits me square in the chest knocking me down.

I don't feel any different. I hear voices, some murmuring and others laughing. "I've killed Harry Potter, someone check to make sure he is dead." I hear Voldemort say and feel a cold pair of hands on my face.

"Is Draco alive?" The person asks and I realize it is a woman, Draco's mother Narcissa. "He is in the castle." I tell her.

"Harry Potter is dead." Narcissa yells and Voldemort cheers with the death eaters. "Crucio!" He yells and I feel the pain through my body but bite my lip ignoring the pain.

"Let's take him back up to the school to show them what has become of their so called leader." He says and I feel someone pick up my body. "I'm sorry about this Harry." I hear Hagrids voice and feel tears falling on me.

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