Chapter 16

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3 months later

"What are we doing?" I ask Harry and Ron as they drag me towards Moaning Myrtles bathroom. "No she's always whining." I say clawing at the walls but they are able to pull me in the bathroom anyways. "S-she is a cat."Myrtle laughs then looks at me. "You?'' she says. We don't really get along. "I tried telling you I wasn't insulting you, but it is just another invasion of a teenage girls privacy." I tell her as Hermione walks out of a stall with whiskers. "What happened?" I ask her trying not to laugh. "Polyjuice Potion. Speaking of which Ron, Harry." She says handing each of them a little cup. "Aw it tastes disgusting." They whine and I laugh. "Who are you drinking?" I ask. "Crabbe and Goyle." They say and I laugh harder. "This is... I can't even... I need to stop." I continue laughing as their faces change. "How do you plan on getting answers out of him?" I ask. "Do you have the robes?" Harry asks and I nod pulling them out. "How'd you get these?" Ron asks. "I'd tell you but then I'd have to kill you." I tell them and they go quiet as I turn around they change. "Alright we'll be back soon." They say and I smile. "Bye Crabbe, bye Goyle." I say and Ron glares. "Bloody hell she is asking for it." He says and Harry nods as they leave.
1 week later

"So he said nothing?" I ask and Ron shakes his head. "Unless you count the part about hoping Hermione is the next muggle born to die." Harry adds and I nod. I hear someone clear their throat behind me and turn to see McGonagall. "You three best come with me." She says and we stand up following her out of the Great Hall to the infirmary. She brings us inside where we find a frozen Hermione and I try not to cry. "Hermione?" I ask and Harry pulls me in to a hug. "Please tell me it wasn't the thing that did this?" I ask and McGonagall nods. " She's not dead is she?'' Ron asks and I shake my head. Harry looks over at Ron and they run out real quick, I decide to stay a while and pull up a seat. After a few hours I start drifting off falling asleep.  "Hey? Sam wake up?" I hear and open my eyes to find George and Fred standing there. "What happened?" I ask and they stare at me. "You've been here for about five hours?" Fred said and as I try to stand up I slip but George helps me and I feel the weird feeling in my stomach again. "T-thanks!" I say standing straight up. "You should head back to the dormitory you look tired." George says sounding serious for the first time since I've known him. "O-okay!" I say the feeling in my stomach growing as I walk away back towards the dormitory but there is a puddle of water on the floor and I grab my wand to clean it but notice something peculiar in it, when I realize what it is it's too late.

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