Chapter 48

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2 Weeks Later
"How was it then?" Ron asks. "It's a little late Ronald, I've already forgotten." I tell him. "It was quite boring, though I'm sure that Harry enjoyed dessert." Hermione says. "You know Slughorn is having Christmas as well and we're meant to bring someone." She says dropping a hint. "I suppose you'll be bringing McCormick he's in the Slug Club too right?" Ron says bitterly. "Actually I was going to ask you." She says and he just looks down not responding. "Good luck today Ron, I know you'll do brilliant." Lavender says. "Hey Lav." I smile and she glares walking away. "What did you do to her?" Harry asks. "I simply told her I preferred Lilies to Lavender." I tell him and he laughs. "After today I'm resigning McCormick can have my spot." Ron says and Harry pushes his juice towards him. "Hello." Luna says wearing my hat I gave her. "I see you made improvements to my hat." I say and she nods. "How is George?" She asks and I smile. "He is good." I tell her and she smiles. "That's good. What did you put in his drink?" Luna asks Harry and his face turns a dark red. "Don't you dare drink that." I tell Ron who chugs the whole thing. "Come on you two we have a game to win." Ron says high fiving Harry as he stands up. "Are you coming?" They ask me. "Fine but if you get hit with a bludger it ain't my fault." I tell him. I am now as of last year the official commentator for the matches.
    "Welcome one welcome all to this year's first quidditch match, Gryffindor vs. Slytherin what a surprise. But this year we have a new Keeper. Ronald Bilius Weasley everyone who better hope he has what it takes. Anyways let's begin shall we. Coming from this direction we have captain of Gryffindor  Harry Potter leading his group on the field. Next week have Slytherin being led out by their captain Adrian Pucey." I announce. "And we have permission to begin, Ginny Weasley snatching that quaffle quick. She's going and it slips by slytherins keeper giving Gryffindor ten points. Hey that hand sign is inappropriate Slytherin." I tell them. I wish my dad were here, he loved quidditch. "There Harry goes after the snitch he's close almost barely missing. Slytherin has no luck today. He's going again. He did it Harry snatched the snitch." I yell and Gryffindor cheers.


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"You shouldn't have done it you bloody idiot." I tell Harry. "You're right I supposed I could have used the confundus charm like Hermione." He tells me and Hermione looks up. "That was different that was tryouts this was a real game." She tells him. Harry picks up a bottle with clear liquid in it the Felix Felicis. "You didn't put it in he only believes you did?" Hermione asks over the cheering. Ron steps down and Lavender pulls him in kissing him. I know Hermione has run off after witnessing this. "Mione?" I ask and find her and Harry at the bottom of a staircase. "Is this how you feel when you see Ginny with Dean? I see you, you can't hide it Harry I'm your best friend." Hermione tells him. "Oops it looks like this room is taken." I hear Lavender say and look up to see her gripping Ron tight by the arm. "Whats with the birds?" He asks and Hermione stands up suddenly. "Protegus." She says and they fly at Ron and she continues crying.

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