Chapter 26

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3 Weeks Later

"Harry!" I say as I walk in the competitor tent hugging him tight. "Sam?" He asks confused. "Are you nervous?" I ask and he nods. "Please don't die." I say and he nods again. "I'll try!" He says and sort of laughs as I hug him again. "Harry you are basically my brother, it's not legal but your like my brother. If you die I will bring you back from the dead and kill you again." I say and he nods. "Black and Potter together yet again? This is juicy." We turn to see Rita Skeeter. "Please don't." I say and she shrugs. "Do not put that on anything." I say. "What are you doing in here Sam?" Cedric asks and I smile. "Just feeding Harry amortentia thought it was obvious?" I joke and everyone laughs. "I came to wish him luck, to wish you all luck." I say and they smile. "George and Fred are saving me a seat." I tell him and Harry smiles. "You like George don't you?" Harry asks and I look down. "Yes I do. He's a great person and I really care about him." I tell him. "You really care about alot of people but I can tell you truthfully care quite a bit more about him." Harry says and I nod. "I'm going to go sit down I'll see you later. Good luck." I kiss his cheek not romantically but in a sisterly way and leave.
Harry's Turn

"Hey!" I say to Hermione who looks over at me. "He'll be okay right?" I ask and she nods. "Harry Potter is up against the Hungarian Horntail." The announcer says and I watch as Harry comes out and so does the dragon. It automatically takes charge towards him and he moves just in time to ignore being hit. "He's got this I bet it doesn't take him more than fifteen minutes." I tell George trying to be confident. "Okay it's a bet because it will take him more than fifteen minutes, if I win you have to give me something I want." He says and I think about it shaking his hand. "Deal." I say jokingly and he smiles. After about twenty minutes more, Harry comes back grabbing the egg. "Ha that took him twenty minutes." George says and I smile. "Congratulations you can tell time." I joke and he laughs. "Uh um!" Fred says and I give him a hug.
In The Common Room

"Harry! Harry! Harry!" Everyone yells as Fred and George sit him on their shoulders. "Should I open the egg?" Harry asks and everyone yells a yes! Except me who is standing in the back corner just observing. The second he opens the egg it let's out an awful screeching noise until he closes it. George makes his way through the crowd towards me. "I won the bet." He says and points to his cheek. "Give it a kiss." He says I grab him by his collar and pull him down kissing him, and he kisses back putting his hands on my waist. "Woah go George!" Fred yells and we break apart as everyone claps with him. "Georgie's in love, Georgie's in love." Fred sings and it brings back the memories of third year and the run out sitting on the staircase where they introduced Harry to the Marauders Map. I feel a tear slip down my cheek as the memories flood back of Fred in third year singing about George being in love with a girl, a different girl. "Hey what happened?" George asks and I shrug. "It started getting stuffy in there so I just broke away to get some air." I tell him and he nods sitting down beside me. He looks at me and I look at him as he starts slowly leaning in. "What about in third year Fred was singing Georgie's in love who's he talking about?" I ask and he smiles. "She's very smart, sarcastic, loving, beautiful at least to me she is, she can be kind and then she can be funny, she can be emotional, and still be full of strength which soon takes over." He says and I feel like I want to cry more. "She sounds perfect." I say and he shrugs. "She's far from it and that's why I love her she doesn't try to be perfect. Can I tell you something else about her?" He asks and I shrug. "She's you Sam, he was talking well rather singing about you." He says and I once again feel a tear slip down my face but he wipes it away and I laugh. He leans in again and this time I don't stop him. We kiss for real.

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